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Sync configuration

This configuration is used to configure which resources are to be synced to and from the server. For every resource there is an optional property for indicating how the data (per resource) should be filter (search parameter).


An application should only have one sync configuration

Configuration Details

Parameter Resource

"resourceType": "Parameters",
"configType": "sync",
"parameter": [
// ... list of search parameters ...

List of Search Parameters

The configration includes a list of search parameters, each represented as an object within the 'parameter' array.

"resource": {
"resourceType": "SearchParameter",
"name": "organization",
"code": "organization",
"base": ["Patient"],
"type": "token",
"expression": "#organization"

Config properties

appIdUnique identifier for the applicationYes
configTypeType of configurationYessync
resourceRepresents a serach parameter configurationYes
resourceTypeSpecifies that the resource is a "SearchParameter"Yes
nameDescribes the name of the search parameter such as "organization"Yes
codeRepresents the code associated with the search parameter such as "organization"Yes
baseLists the resource types that this search parameter is applicable to, such as "Patient."Yes
typeSpecifies the type of the search parameter, e.g., "token."Yes
expression: Defines the FHIRPath expression used for searching, e.g., "#organization."Yes

Full Configuration

The file can consist of multiple search parameters, each represented as an object within the "parameter" array. The parameters cover a variety of FHIR resources such as Patient, Group, Encounter, Observation, Condition, CarePlan, QuestionnaireResponse, Questionnaire, StructureMap, Task, Library, Measure, MeasureReport, and Location.