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Profile configuration

These configurations are used to control the content of the profile screen as well as how to render the profile UI. Typically for every register in application there is a corresponding profile. Technically the same implementation is used for all profiles, however the content configured.


For every register in the application there should at least be one profile configuration. Similar registers can re-use the same profile configuration.

Working with dynamic data queries

Assume you would like to filter resource data based on a criteria that needs computation before application. e.g show patients who are under 5 years or over 18 below, then this is the config to use.

Before you use this rule on a dataQuery, you need to execute it first. The rules are executed within a configRules block which follows rules engine standard and default priority of 1 which can be change based on requirement.

Below is a JSON config that shows how to execute rules. Refer to working with rules section.

"appId": "appId",
"configType": "register",
"id": "childRegister",
"configRules": [
"name": "under5",
"condition": "true",
"actions": [
"data.put('under5', dateService.addOrSubtractYearFromCurrentDate(5,'-'))"

Below is a sample dataQuery config to filter register data by configRules.

"fhirResource": {
"baseResource": {
"resource": "Patient",
"dataQueries": [
"paramName": "birthdate",
"filterCriteria": [
"dataType": "DATE",
"computedRule": "under5",

Config properties

appIdString - unique identifier for the applicationYes
configTypeType of configurationYesprofile
secondaryResourcesList of FhirResourceConfigsNo
profileParamsA list StringsYes
rulesList of RuleConfigsYesemptyList()
viewsList of ViewPropertiesYes
fabActionsList of NavigationMenuConfigsYesemptyList()
overFlowMenuItemsList of OverflowMenuItemConfigsYesemptyList()
filterActiveResourcesList of ActiveResourceFilterConfigsYeslistOf(ActiveResourceFilterConfig(resourceType = ResourceType.Patient, active = true), ActiveResourceFilterConfig(resourceType = ResourceType.Group, active = true))
configRulesList of RuleConfigsNonull

Dynamic data pass between relatedResources

The related resources contains an array that lists related resources along the associated search parameters e.g Conditions ,Tasks and Careplans

    "relatedResources": [
"resource": "Condition",
"searchParameter": "subject"
"resource": "CarePlan",
"searchParameter": "subject"
"resource": "Task",
"searchParameter": "subject"

Dynamic data pass between profiles and registers

For you to pass data between profiles you can make use of action config params which are executed when LAUNCH_PROFILE is invoked.

Data extraction happens during rules execution and is persisted in computedValuesMap which is later used to interpolate values annotated with @value.

For example, assume the LAUNCH_PROFILE onClick function of practitioner_profile_config takes you to household_profile screen and you would like pass send practitionerId from practitioner_profile_config to household_profile, define it as described below.


  1. Write rules to extract the data you need.
"name": "practitionerId",
"condition": "true",
"actions": [
"data.put('practitionerId', fhirPath.extractValue(Practitioner, '\"Practitioner/\",\"\")').split(\"/\").get(0))"
  1. Add your params in LAUNCH_REGISTER section of practition_register_config.json
"actions": [
"trigger": "ON_CLICK",
"workflow": "LAUNCH_PROFILE",
"id": "practitionerProfile",
"params": [
"paramType": "PARAMDATA",
"key": "practitionerId",
"value": "@{practitionerId}"


A dataquery config to filter by practitionerId. For more info refer to dataquery section.

"id": "householdQueryPractitionerId",
"filterType": "TOKEN",
"key": "_tag",
"valueType": "CODING",
"valueCoding": {
"system": "",
"code": "@{practitionerId}"

Dynamic data pass between profiles config properties

rules nameUnique identifier for the rulesYesempty string
conditionspecification of executionYesfalse
actionsan array of the rule logic with a fhirPathExpressionYesnull
triggerapplication workflow actionYes
workflowAn application event that can trigger a workflowYesnull
paramsAn array of actionParameters to pass to another profileNoemptyArray
paramTypeAction ParameterType to use e.g PREPOPULATE OR PARAMDATANonull
keyAction ParameterType unique key if defined but not tag is givenYes
valueAction ParameterType corresponding key's valueYes

Working with contacts

If you would like to store and display profile contacts. The Person (e.g. Patient or Practitioner) has an extractable telecom value in their object body. By extracting it you can configure which contact values to show on a Profile. Here is an example of an extraction rule that extracts a patient's phone number.

"name": "patientPhoneNumber",
"condition": "true",
"actions": [
"data.put('patientPhoneNumber', fhirPath.extractValue(Patient, 'Patient.telecom[0].value'))"

Practitioner calling a patient phone number

If the patient's phone number has been extracted and displayed on the UI via a COMPOUND_TEXT viewType (or any other view type of your choice), the LAUNCH_DIALLER workflow is provided to allow the Practitioner to call the patient. The workflow passes the telephone number data to the device's dialler and from there, the Practitioner can proceed with the call.

Below is an example configuration for the view type.

"viewType": "COMPOUND_TEXT",
"primaryText": "@{patientPhoneNumber}",
"primaryTextColor": "#0077CC",
"fontSize": 14,
"visible": "@{phoneNumberAvailable}",
"clickable": "true",
"primaryTextActions": [
"trigger": "ON_CLICK",
"workflow": "LAUNCH_DIALLER",
"params": [
"paramType": "PARAMDATA",
"key": "patientPhoneNumber",
"value": "@{patientPhoneNumber}"

Some notable configurations to enable the LAUNCH_DIALLER workflow include

  1. clickable": "true" The view type displaying the phone number must be clickable. This allows the ON_CLICK trigger to be activated so it can call the LAUNCH_DIALLER workflow.

  2. visible: {RULE} By configuring a rule that determines whether the phone number is visible, we avoid showing the phone number when a Profile does not have one.

Here is an example of a rule to determine the availability of a phone number

"name": "phoneNumberAvailable",
"condition": "true",
"actions": [
"data.put('phoneNumberAvailable', !empty(data.get('patientPhoneNumber')))"

The rule above checks the data map being maintained globally by the app and inserts a key phoneNumberAvailable with a value based on whether or not patientPhoneNumber is available in the same map.

Practitioner calling patient phone number config properties

clickable and primaryTextActions are relevant if using COMPOUND_TEXT to display the phone number

rules nameUnique identifier for the rulesYesempty string
clickableset the clickability of the view type displaying the phone numberYesfalse
primaryTextActionsan array of the rule logic with a fhirPathExpressionYesnull
triggerapplication workflow actionYes
workflowAn application event that can trigger a workflowYesnull
paramsAn array of actionParameters to pass to another profileNoemptyArray
paramTypeAction ParameterType to use e.g PREPOPULATE OR PARAMDATANonull
keyAction ParameterType unique key if defined but not tag is givenYes
valueAction ParameterType corresponding key's valueYes