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Android Studio

Use Android Studio 4.2+.

Kotlin style

If you would like Android Studio to help format your code, follow these steps to set up your Android Studio:

  1. Install and configure the ktfmt plugin in Android Studio by following these steps:
    1. Go to Android Studio's Settings (or Preferences), select the Plugins category, click the Marketplace tab, search for the ktfmt plugin, and click the Install button
    2. In Android Studio's Settings (or Preferences), go to Editorktfmt Settings, tick Enable ktfmt, change the Code style to Google (Internal), and click OK
  2. Indent 2 spaces. In Android Studio's Settings (or Preferences), go to EditorCode StyleKotlinTabs and Indents, set Tab size, Indent and Continuation indent to 2, and click OK.
  3. Use single name import sorted lexicographically. In Android Studio's Settings (or Preferences), go to EditorCode StyleKotlinImports, in Top-level Symbols and Java statics and Enum Members sections select Use single name import option, remove all the rules in Packages to Use Imports with '*' and Import Layout sections and click OK.

Now you can go to CodeReformat code, or press Ctrl+Alt+L (⌘+⌥+L for Mac) to automatically format code in Android Studio.

Note that you don't have to do any of these. You could rely on spotless to format any code you want to push. For details see below.

Build setup

Begin by cloning this repository. Ensure you have JAVA 11 installed, and setup Android studio to use the Java 11 JDK for this project.

Update file by providing the required Keycloak credentials to enable syncing of data to and from the HAPI FHIR server:

#oauth configurations
OAUTH_CLIENT_ID="provide client id"

#fhir store base url

#sentry dsn

#Optional: Application id for a specific build variant

Note: It is required to configure your OAuth client as public hence there's no need for a OAuth client secret.

Create an empty file in the path /android/ This file is already gitignored so you can set up credentials without leaking to git.

Gateway vs Non Gateway backend

The codebase supports building a release that uses the FHIR Gateway backend and one that doesn't. The proxy mode is the default but if your backend is not using the FHIR Gateway you need to specify this by switching to the correct build type variant. To switch between the two one needs to change to a variant with the debugNonProxy build type. e.g for the flavor opensrp select the variant opensrpDebugNonProxy

App release

In order for the assembleRelease and/or bundleRelease Gradle tasks to work for instance when you need to generate a signed release version of the APK (or AAB), a keystore is required.

Generate your own release keystore using the keytool utility (installed as part of the java runtime) by running the following command:

keytool -genkey -v -keystore fhircore.keystore.jks -alias <your_alias_name> -keyalg RSA -keysize 4096 -validity 1000

Place the Keystore file in your user(home) directory i.e. /Users/username/fhircore.keystore.jks for Windows or ~/fhircore.keystore.jks for Unix based systems.

Next, create the following SYSTEM_VARIABLEs and set their values accordingly: KEYSTORE_ALIAS, KEYSTORE_PASSWORD, KEY_PASSWORD

Note: Assign the generated keystore values to the SYSTEM_VARIABLEs listed above. Also note, if your platform doesn't prompt you for a second password when generating the Keystore (e.g. of type PKCS12) then both the KEYSTORE_PASSWORD and KEY_PASSWORD should have the same value.

You can alternatively store the above credentials in a file named Just be careful to include this file in .gitignore to prevent leaking secrets via git VCS.


Lastly, you can also provide the and/or the file as a gradle property using via the property names localPropertiesFile and keystorePropertiesFile respectively. The value of the properties file should be its absolute file path.

For example, to build the eCHIS release from the terminal you can run the command below:

./gradlew assembleEchisRelease --stacktrace -PlocalPropertiesFile=/Abolute/Path/To/ -PkeystorePropertiesFile=/Absolute/Path/To/

Note: The app supports a variant mode that does not require the FHIR Gateway/Proxy to be integrated. To build the same APK as a NON-PROXY variant set the isNonProxy gradle property to true e.g.

./gradlew assembleEchisRelease --stacktrace -PisNonProxy=true -PlocalPropertiesFile=/Abolute/Path/To/ -PkeystorePropertiesFile=/Absolute/Path/To/

Refer to the following links for more details:

Application architecture

FHIR Core is based on MVVM Android application architecture. It also follows the recommended Repository Pattern on its data layer. The diagram below shows the different layers of the application structure and how they interact with eachother.

At the core is Android FHIR SDK which provides Data Access API, Search API, Sync API, Smart Guidelines API and Data Capture API.

Project Structure

The project currently consists an application module (quest) and two Android library modules (engine and geowidget). The geowidget module contains implementation for intergrating Map views to FHIR Core. engine module contains shared code.

Package structure

quest and geowidget modules packages are grouped based on features. engine module on the other hand uses a hybrid approach, combining both layered and feature based package structure.

At a higher level every module is at least organized into three main packages, namely:


This package is used to holds classes/objects implementations for accessing data view the Android FHIR SDK APIs. The data package for engine module is further sub-divided into two sub-packages that is local and remote. local directory holds the implementation for accessing the Sqlite database whereasremote directory contains implementation for making http requests to HAPI FHIR server backend.


This package mostly contains Android Activity, Fragment, ViewModel, and Composable functions for rendering UI.


This package is used to hold any code that shared internally typically implemented as Kotlin extensions. Other utilities use kotlin object to implement singletons.

Conventionally, classes are further organized into more cohesive directories within the main packages mentioned above. This should allow minimal updates when code is refactored by moving directories.

Running the documentation locally

To run the documentation locally navigate to the repository root directory and run:

npm install
npx docusaurus start


Refer to the following links for more details: