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Working in debug mode

If you want to test local configurations or running debug application flavours you can do the following

  • Copy app configurations into assets/configs folder.

  • Rename the folder you copied to your appId name. Ensure the folder consists of the following sub-directories and files

    • profiles
    • registers
    • translations
    • application_config.json
    • composition_config.json
    • navigation_config.json
    • sync_config.json
  • If you would like to work with local resources e.g Questionnaires, StructureMaps, planDefinitions e.t.c, create a folder called resources inside assets and copy your files inside folders names. e.g Questionnaires can be added to a folder questionnaire/your_questionnaire_files.json. The app will read these files and save your resources into sqlite db. You can now go ahead and reference the resource ids inside configurations files

  • Choose variantNameDebug as your app variant and run the app. e.g If your flavour name is called sidCadre, use the variant called sidCadreDebug

  • When asked to enter the applicationId, type your appIdName/debug inside the edit text. e.g sidCadre/debug

  • Proceed to input correct usernames and password and wait for the app to sync.