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Register configuration

Registers are the entry point to OpenSRP applications. Typically this is a list used to displayed the configured FHIR resources. Clicking on a register item directs the user to the configured profile.


For every register in the application there should at least be one profile configuration. Similar registers can re-use the same profile configuration.

Working with dynamic data queries

Assume you would like to filter resource data based on a criteria that needs computation before application. e.g show patients who are under 5 years or over 18 below, then this is the config to use. Before you use this rule on a dataQuery, you need to execute it first. The rules are executed within a configRules block which follows rules engine standard and default priority of 1 which can be change based on requirement. Below is a JSON config that shows how to execute rules.Refer to working with rules section.

"appId": "appId",
"configType": "register",
"id": "childRegister",
"configRules": [
"name": "under5",
"condition": "true",
"actions": [
"data.put('under5', dateService.addOrSubtractTimeUnitFromCurrentDate(5,'-','YEAR'))"

Below is a sample dataQuery config to filter register data by configRules

"fhirResource": {
"baseResource": {
"resource": "Patient",
"dataQueries": [
"paramName": "birthdate",
"filterCriteria": [
"dataType": "DATE",
"computedRule": "under5",

Config properties

appIdString - unique identifier for the applicationYes
configTypeString - type of
idString - register's unique identifierYes
secondaryResourcesList of FhirResourceConfigsNonull
fabActionsList of NavigationMenuConfigsYesemptyList()
activeResourceFiltersList of ActiveResourceFilterConfigsYeslistOf(ActiveResourceFilterConfig(resourceType = ResourceType.Patient, active = true), ActiveResourceFilterConfig(resourceType = ResourceType.Group, active = true))
configRulesList of RuleConfigsNonull
topScreenSectionOptional configuration for register screen toolbarNonull
filterDataByRelatedEntityLocationConfiguration that indicates whether to filter register data with Related Entity Location meta tagNofalse

Dynamic data pass between Registers and Profiles

For you to pass data between registers you can make use of action config params which are executed when LAUNCH_REGISTER is invoked.registers Data extraction happens during rules execution and is persisted in computedValuesMap which is later using to interpolated values annotated with @value.registers For example, assume the LAUNCH_REGISTER onClick function of practition_register_config takes you to household_profile screen and you would like pass send practitionerId from practition_register_config to household_profile, define it as described below


Sample JSON

  1. Write rules to extract the data you need.
"name": "practitionerId",
"condition": "true",
"actions": [
"data.put('practitionerId', fhirPath.extractValue(Practitioner, '\"Practitioner/\",\"\")').split(\"/\").get(0))"
  1. add your params at LAUNCH_REGISTER section of practition_register_config.json

Sample JSON

"trigger": "ON_CLICK",
"workflow": "LAUNCH_REGISTER",
"id": "householdRegister",
"display": "@{practitionerName} - Household Register",
"params": [
"paramType": "PARAMDATA",
"key": "practitionerId",
"value": "@{practitionerId}"


A dataquery config to filter by practitionerId. For more info refer to dataquery section

Sample JSON

"id": "householdQueryPractitionerId",
"filterType": "TOKEN",
"key": "_tag",
"valueType": "CODING",
"valueCoding": {
"system": "",
"code": "@{practitionerId}"

Practitioner LAUNCH_PROFILE (Register and Profile use same type of Resource)

Sample JSON

Add your params at SERVICE_CARD actions section of practitioner_register_config.json Set the value of the trigger to ON_CLICK. Set the value of workflow to LAUNCH_PROFILE Set the value of id to the id of the profile configuration to be launched e.g practitionerProfile The default implementation opens the profile using the id of the base resource used to load the register row

Sample JSON

"trigger": "ON_CLICK",
"workflow": "LAUNCH_PROFILE",
"id": "practitionerProfile"

Task Register launch Patient Profile (Register and Profile use different Resource types)

Sample JSON

  1. Write rules to extract the data you need.
"name": "patientId",
"condition": "true",
"actions": [
"data.put('patientId', fhirPath.extractValue(Patient.get(0), \"\"))"
  1. Add your params at SERVICE_CARD actions section of task_register_config.json Set the value of the trigger to ON_CLICK. Set the value of workflow to LAUNCH_PROFILE Set the value of id to the id of the profile configuration to be launched e.g practitionerProfile Add an action parameter with the following values
    • paramType set to RESOURCE_ID. This allows the user to specify the id of the resource used to open the profile
    • key user defined value for the key e.g patientId
    • value Set the value of the resource id to be used to open the profile

Sample JSON

"trigger": "ON_CLICK",
"workflow": "LAUNCH_PROFILE",
"id": "patientProfile",
"params": [
"paramType": "RESOURCE_ID",
"key": "patientId",
"value": "@{patientId}"

Dynamic data pass between registers config properties

rules nameUnique identifier for the rulesYesempty string
conditionspecification of executionYesfalse
actionsan array of the rule logic with a fhirPathExpressionYesnull
triggerapplication workflow actionYesno default
workflowAn application event that can trigger a workflowYesnull
paramsAn array of actionParameters to pass to another registernoemptyArray
paramTypeAction ParameterType to use e.g PREPOPULATE OR PARAMDATAnonull
keyAction ParameterType unique key if defined but not tag is givenyesapplication throws exception
valueAction ParameterType corresponding key's valueyesapplication throws exception

Filter register data

Data rendered in a register can be filter based on RegisterConfiguration.registerFilter configuration. The process for filtering records in a register involves: launching a questionnaire that contains the fields for filtering data, converting the answers from the QuestionanireResponse into relevant values for data filter queries and finally applying the new queries in load register data function.

RegisterConfiguration.registerFilter contains two required properties: dataFilterActions and dataFilterFields. The dataFilterActions is used to declare the action to launch the questionnaire used to capture the Data filter fields. dataFilterFields is used to map the filter queries to the configured resources used in the register. The filter queries MUST be used against the register resources, this relationship is achieved by setting the filterId on any of the configured register (base or related) resource.

"registerFilter": {
"dataFilterActions": [
"trigger": "ON_CLICK",
"questionnaire": {
"id": "questionnaireId",
"title": "Filter register",
"saveButtonText": "Apply Filters",
"saveQuestionnaireResponse": false,
"showClearAll": true
"dataFilterFields": [
"filterId": "task",
"dataQueries": [
"paramName": "status",
"operation": "OR",
"filterCriteria": [
"dataFilterLinkId": "43e41fdb-7b84-420c-9210-c10dbae5f77b",
"dataType": "CODE"

NOTE: The questionanire MUST be launched with the property saveQuestionnaireResponse set to false for data filtering to work. The response should not be saved. showClearAll will display an action button that will execute and action to resetting of all the answered fields for the Questionnaire.

The filterId is a unique identifier applied to the configured baseResource or relatedResources in the RegisterConfiguration.fhirResource to indicate the resource to which the filter data queries are to be applied. The QuestionanireResponse answer value is mapped to a DataQuery filterCriteria value using the unique property dataFilterLinkId. This is the linkId for the QuestionanireResponse item.

Example if the base resource is Task the configuration below will be used in the resource config:

"fhirResource": {
"baseResource": {
"resource": "Task",
"filterId": "task",
"dataQueries": [
"paramName": "status",
"operation": "OR",
"filterCriteria": [
"dataFilterLinkId": "43e41fdb-7b84-420c-9210-c10dbae5f77b",
"dataType": "CODE"