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Data migration

The main functionalities of data migration are:

  • Migrating data by updating resources based on a set of data queries and key-value pairs,
  • Retrieving the latest migration version from shared preferences,
  • Performing the migration only if the new version is greater than the client's latest stored migration version. The data migration configuration outlines a set of rules and operations for migrating malformed FHIR resources such as Task resource migration on the client app sqlite database. With this configuration one is able to filter the target resource eg Encounter or Task and read its referenced PlanDefinition and its careplans then filter for the task or resource being migrated that lies within the careplan period and read the resulting careplan id . The migration then uses the resulting id to replace the malformed attribute such as Task.basedOn hence cleaning out the malformed resource attributes that a wrong StructureMap may have generated. The feature allows one to filter using data queries and write rules that can query using forward_include as well as rev_include targeting base resources and any related resources

Sample JSON for Task migration

"appId": "echis",
"configType": "dataMigration",
"migrations": [
"resourceType": "Task",
"updateValues": [
"jsonPathExpression": "Task.basedOn[0].reference",
"valueRule": {
"name": "taskBasedOn",
"condition": "true",
"actions": [
"data.put('taskBasedOn', 'CarePlan/' + fhirPath.extractValue(Task, 'Task.basedOn[0].reference') )"
"dataQueries": [
"paramName": "status",
"operation": "OR",
"filterCriteria": [
"dataType": "CODE",
"value": {
"system": "",
"code": "ready"
"dataType": "CODE",
"value": {
"system": "",
"code": "requested"
"dataType": "CODE",
"value": {
"system": "",
"code": "in-progress"
"purgeAffectedResources": true,
"createLocalChangeEntitiesAfterPurge": true,
"resourceFilterExpression" : {
"conditionalFhirPathExpressions": [
"Task.basedOn[0].reference.startsWith('CarePlan').not() and Task.basedOn[0].reference.startsWith('PlanDefinition').not()"
"matchAll": true
"version": 1

Config properties

appIdProvides the ID of the applicationYes
configTypeType of configurationYesdataMigration
migrationsList of migrationsYes
resourceTypeThe resource to to get/fetch data from e.g Task or Careplanyes
updateValuesProvides the ID of the applicationYes
configTypeType of configurationYesdataMigration
rulesList of rule configurationsYes
versionVersion of the migration configurationYes
purgeAffectedResourcesFlag indicating whether affected resources should be purgedYesfalse
createLocalChangeEntitiesAfterPurgeFlag indicating whether to create local change entities after purgingYestrue
resourceFilterExpressionExpression for filtering resources during migrationYes
jsonPathExpressionJSON path expression for locating the value within the resourceYes
computedValueKeyKey for the computed value to be updatedYes