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Testing FHIR Resources

Step 1 - Creating Patient Resources


  1. VS Code
  2. Browser
  3. Insomnia or Postman


  1. Convert the below patient record (unstructured) to a FHIR patient resource
Name: Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria
Gender: Male
DOB: 1, December 1949
Phone: 2908409234
Address : 213, Rionegro, Medellín, Colombia

Setup VSCode to begin FHIR

  1. Go to the FHIR website. Everything you need to know about FHIR standard and also the source of truth
  2. Download the FHIR JSON Schema
  3. Add a File with fhir.schema.json to your project folder
  4. Congifgure the workspace settings by clicking ctr+shift+p or cmd+shit+p then type workspace settings, then add the following code
"json.schemas": [
"fileMatch": [
"url": "./fhir.schema.json"

Creating a patient resource

  1. In the project folder, create a resource (patient.fhir.json)
  2. Go to the patient resource to learn more about the patient resources
  3. Start by adding the braces
  4. Use autocomplete to fill in the resource (patient) attributes - Press ctrl+space and press enter once you get the key for the resource
  5. Manually add/type value for the key
  6. VSCode will let you know of any errors/validation/type for the key selected in the problems pane

Creating a patient resource extensions and profiles.

NB. The use of extensions should be controlled to avoid duplication or corruption of the file

Also check out Simplifier to do it online :)

Step 2 - Searching


  1. HL7 has publicly available servers
  2. We shall be using HAPI R4 for the API test
  3. You can use this GUI to do the same. Select the Health Intersection R4 server.
  4. We can use Insomnia to test our resources


  1. In Insomnia/Postman you can create a FHIR project folder
  2. You can use the following operations on the base url : in this case using publicly available HAPI server url
    • OPTIONS - Get the capability statement for the FHIR server
    • GET - Get resource or search
    • POST - Create a resource
    • PUT - Update a resource
  3. Resources to create
    1. Create a Patient
    2. Create a Patient with extension
    3. Get Patient
    4. Create Patient Observation
    5. Update Patient Observation
    6. Search Patient Observation

Search Exercise

NB. Add your patient_id where id is given or value for xxx

We can also perform search examples via URL as described in the search parameters doc.

  1. All patient whose name starts with X -
  2. All patient whose family name starts with X -
  3. All patient observations by patient name -
  4. All patient observations by patient id -
  5. All BP observations by code -|15074-8

    NB. the BP code used was

Step 3 - Bundles

We are going to work on the Transaction Bundle with a conditional update.

This takes multiple resources to POST concurrently to the FHIR server. It's an all or nothing success scenario.

Example TBC