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Form Authoring

Things to consider when writing forms

  • Make sure that the enableWhen expressions are accompanied by the enableBehaviour attribute in order to avoid form crashes.
  • The enableBehaviour defines whether the expressions on the enableWhen are to use and or or logic.
  • The enableBehaviour options are any for or & all for and.
"enableWhen": [
"question": "cf0093a9-1e38-422b-fc81-273caa0bb48a",
"operator": "=",
"answerCoding": {
"system": "urn:uuid:d3051c21-8668-412e-a2dd-105cf274b260",
"code": "no"
"question": "94357450-e603-49f7-899c-464ecd10ddd1",
"operator": "=",
"answerCoding": {
"system": "urn:uuid:4ae66618-142d-4e2c-dd66-5d63c14b83a9",
"code": "no"
"question": "14648d8c-c88f-40be-9f25-66d7ba621482",
"operator": "=",
"answerCoding": {
"system": "urn:uuid:08516020-d926-4463-863e-d6f45b0d317b",
"code": "no"

How to pass answers/data from Questionnaire A to B

  1. Submit Questionnaire A
  2. In Questionnaire B, use X-FHIR-Query variable to search the Questionnaire Response of Questionnaire A that also belongs to the Patient that did the submission
"url": "",
"valueExpression": {
"name": "qr-search-phq9",
"language": "application/x-fhir-query",
"expression": "QuestionnaireResponse?subject={{'/_history/.*', '')}}&questionnaire=Questionnaire/57"
"url": "",
"valueExpression": {
"name": "qr-phq9",
"language": "text/fhirpath",
"expression": "%qr-search-phq9.entry.first().resource"
  1. In Questionnaire B, get the answer of Questionnaire A through the variable that contains Questionnaire Response of Questionnaire A
"url": "",
"valueExpression": {
"name": "phq9-p1",
"language": "text/fhirpath",
"expression": "%qr-phq9.item.descendants().where(linkId='f1.3.1').answer.value"
  1. Call that variable in a calculated-expression so it can be populated into the field