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Resource closure using background workers

Event management implementation provides the ability to configure background workers so that we can state which resources to close when they run.

Some use cases would be -

  • Closing related resources such as conditions when CarePlans are closed by the background worker that cancels expired tasks.
  • Closing related resources such as conditions when the background worker that closes CarePlans when all it's related tasks are either cancelled or complete.

This is achieved by use of the EventWorkFlow config. The EventWorkFlow config is added to the Application Config.

Sample event workflow configuration

"eventWorkflows": [
"eventType": "RESOURCE_CLOSURE",
"eventResources": [
"id": "sickChildConditionToBeClosed",
"resource": "Condition",
"configRules": [
"name": "patientId",
"condition": "true",
"actions": [
"data.put('patientId', fhirPath.extractValue(CarePlan, 'CarePlan.subject.reference'))"
"dataQueries": [
"paramName": "code",
"filterCriteria": [
"value": {
"system": "",
"code": "275142008"
"paramName": "subject",
"filterCriteria": [
"dataType": "REFERENCE",
"computedRule": "patientId"
"updateValues": [
"jsonPathExpression": "Condition.clinicalStatus.coding[0].code",
"value": "370996005",
"resourceType": "Condition"
"jsonPathExpression": "Condition.clinicalStatus.coding[0].system",
"value": "",
"resourceType": "Condition"
"jsonPathExpression": "Condition.clinicalStatus.coding[0].display",
"value": "resolved",
"resourceType": "Condition"

The current implementation eventWorkflow config only handle closure of resources, hence the event type defaults to RESOURCE_CLOSURE.

The eventWorkFlow config for this implementation does not contain trigger conditions.

The event resources define which resource is eligible for closure as well as any related resources.

The data queries define how to search for and filter the resources from the database.

Once the resources have been retrieved from the database, the next step is to close the resources by updating the values of certain fields. For the current implementation this has been done in the code. This is not configurable at this point. Closure of any resource that has not been handled will need an update to the code that performs resource closure.

The following table contains the values for each field that is required to close a resource.field

lastModifiedcurrent date
ConditionCondition.clinicalStatuscode:370996005, display:resolved, system:

EventWorkflows properties

eventTypeThe intention of the eventWorkflow. E.g close resourcesyesRESOURCE_CLOSURE is supported for now
triggerConditionsThis defines an array of condition for to be met for the event to runnonull
eventResourceIduniqueId of resource id to be closedyes
eventResourcesA list of resources to close(Type of ResourceConfig)yes

Event Resource Properties

iduniqueId of resource id to be closedyes
resourceThe type of resourceyes
configRulesRules to be that are executed to populate dynamic values such as a patient idno
dataQueriesConfigs used to represent how resources to be closed are retrieved from the databaseyes
relatedResourcesConfigs that represent how to fetch related resources e.g Tasks linked to a CarePlanno

DataQuery properties

paramNameString representation of the resource field to search onyes
operationLogical SQL operation to perform i.e AND, ORyesAND
filterCriteriaConfigs that represent the datatype and value for filtering datayes

Filtering the Related Resources is achieved by use of the filterFhirPathExpression configuration. It specifies which field and values to filter the resources by.

Sample filter fhirpath expression configuration

"filterFhirPathExpression": [
"key": "Task.status",
"value": "ready"

FilterFhirPathExpression properties

keyThe resource field to apply the filter onyes
valueThe value that the resource field should match for the filter to passyes

UpdateValue properties

jsonPathExpressionJsonPath representation of the resource field to updateyes
valueThe value to update the resource field withyes
resourceTypeThe name of the resource type to be updatedyes

Resource Filter Expression properties

conditionalFhirPathExpressionsCriteria to filter which resources when only a subset of the fetched resources need to be updated e.g only update tasks whose status is not completedyes
matchAllDetermines whether all conditional FhirPath expressions should evaluate to truenotrue
resourceTypeThe name of the resource type to be updatedyes