
class QuestionnaireViewModel @Inject constructor(val defaultRepository: DefaultRepository, val dispatcherProvider: DispatcherProvider, val fhirCarePlanGenerator: FhirCarePlanGenerator, val resourceDataRulesExecutor: ResourceDataRulesExecutor, val transformSupportServices: TransformSupportServices, val sharedPreferencesHelper: SharedPreferencesHelper, val fhirOperator: FhirOperator, val fhirValidatorProvider: Provider<FhirValidator>, val fhirPathDataExtractor: FhirPathDataExtractor, val configurationRegistry: ConfigurationRegistry) : ViewModel


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constructor(defaultRepository: DefaultRepository, dispatcherProvider: DispatcherProvider, fhirCarePlanGenerator: FhirCarePlanGenerator, resourceDataRulesExecutor: ResourceDataRulesExecutor, transformSupportServices: TransformSupportServices, sharedPreferencesHelper: SharedPreferencesHelper, fhirOperator: FhirOperator, fhirValidatorProvider: Provider<FhirValidator>, fhirPathDataExtractor: FhirPathDataExtractor, configurationRegistry: ConfigurationRegistry)


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object Companion



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open fun addCloseable(closeable: AutoCloseable)
fun addCloseable(key: String, closeable: AutoCloseable)
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suspend fun addMemberToGroup(resource: Resource, memberResourceType: ResourceType?, groupIdentifier: String?)

Adds Resource to Group.member if the member does not exist and if Resource.logicalId is NOT the same as the retrieved GroupResourceConfig.groupIdentifier (Cannot add a Group as member of itself.

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suspend fun executeCql(subject: Resource, bundle: Bundle, questionnaire: Questionnaire, questionnaireConfig: QuestionnaireConfig? = null)
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suspend fun generateCarePlan(subject: Resource, bundle: Bundle, questionnaireConfig: QuestionnaireConfig)

This function generates CarePlans for the QuestionnaireResponse.subject using the configured QuestionnaireConfig.planDefinitions

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fun handleQuestionnaireSubmission(questionnaire: Questionnaire, currentQuestionnaireResponse: QuestionnaireResponse, questionnaireConfig: QuestionnaireConfig, actionParameters: List<ActionParameter>, context: Context, onSuccessfulSubmission: (List<IdType>, QuestionnaireResponse) -> Unit)

This function performs data extraction against the QuestionnaireResponse. All the resources generated from a successful extraction by StructureMap or definition are stored in the database. The QuestionnaireResponse is also stored in the database regardless of the outcome of ResourceMapper.extract. This function will optionally generate CarePlan using the PlanDefinition resource configured in QuestionnaireConfig.planDefinitions. The QuestionnaireConfig.eventWorkflows contains configurations to cascade update the statuses of resources to in-active (close) that are related to the current QuestionnaireResponse.subject

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suspend fun loadResource(resourceType: ResourceType, resourceIdentifier: String): Resource?

Load Resource of type ResourceType for the provided resourceIdentifier

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suspend fun performExtraction(extractByStructureMap: Boolean, questionnaire: Questionnaire, questionnaireResponse: QuestionnaireResponse, context: Context): Bundle

Perform StructureMap or Definition based definition. The result of this function returns a Bundle that contains the resources that were generated via the ResourceMapper.extract operation otherwise returns null if an exception is encountered.

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suspend fun populateQuestionnaire(questionnaire: Questionnaire, questionnaireConfig: QuestionnaireConfig, actionParameters: List<ActionParameter>): Pair<QuestionnaireResponse?, List<Resource>>
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suspend fun retireUsedQuestionnaireUniqueId(questionnaireConfig: QuestionnaireConfig, questionnaireResponse: QuestionnaireResponse)
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suspend fun retrievePopulationResources(actionParameters: List<ActionParameter>): List<Resource>

Return Resources to be used in the launch context of the questionnaire. Launch context allows information to be passed into questionnaire based on the context in which the questionnaire is being evaluated. For example, what patient, what encounter, what user, etc. is "in context" at the time the questionnaire response is being completed:

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suspend fun retrieveQuestionnaire(questionnaireConfig: QuestionnaireConfig): Questionnaire?

This function retrieves the Questionnaire as configured via the QuestionnaireConfig. The retrieved Questionnaire can then be pre-populated.

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fun saveDraftQuestionnaire(questionnaireResponse: QuestionnaireResponse)

This function saves QuestionnaireResponse as draft if any of the QuestionnaireResponse.item has an answer.

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suspend fun saveExtractedResources(bundle: Bundle, questionnaire: Questionnaire, questionnaireConfig: QuestionnaireConfig, questionnaireResponse: QuestionnaireResponse, context: Context)
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suspend fun searchQuestionnaireResponse(resourceId: String, resourceType: ResourceType, questionnaireId: String, encounterId: String?): QuestionnaireResponse?

This function searches and returns the latest QuestionnaireResponse for the given resourceId that was extracted from the Questionnaire identified as questionnaireId. Returns null if non is found.

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Update the current progress state of the questionnaire.

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suspend fun softDeleteResources(questionnaireConfig: QuestionnaireConfig)

This function triggers removal of Resource s as per the QuestionnaireConfig.groupResource or QuestionnaireConfig.removeResource config properties.

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This function updates the _lastUpdated property of resources configured by the ActionParameter.paramType of ActionParameterType.UPDATE_DATE_ON_EDIT. Each time a questionnaire is submitted, the affected resources last modified/updated date will also be updated.

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suspend fun validateQuestionnaireResponse(questionnaire: Questionnaire, questionnaireResponse: QuestionnaireResponse, context: Context): Boolean

This function validates all QuestionnaireResponse and returns true if all the validation result of QuestionnaireResponseValidator are Valid or NotValidated (validation is optional on Questionnaire fields)

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suspend fun validateWithFhirValidator(vararg resource: Resource)