
class SharedPreferencesHelper @Inject constructor(val context: Context, val gson: Gson)


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constructor(context: Context, gson: Gson)


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object Companion


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val gson: Gson
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fun read(key: String, defaultValue: Boolean): Boolean
fun read(key: String, defaultValue: Long): Long
fun read(key: String, defaultValue: String?): String?

inline fun <T> read(key: String, decodeWithGson: Boolean = true): T?

Read any JSON object with type T

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fun remove(key: String)
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This method resets/clears all existing values in the shared preferences asynchronously

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fun write(key: String, value: Boolean)
fun write(key: String, value: Long)
fun write(key: String, value: String?)

inline fun <T> write(key: String, value: T?, encodeWithGson: Boolean = true)

Write any object by saving it as JSON