
data class ActionParameter(val key: String, val paramType: ActionParameterType? = null, val dataType: Enumerations.DataType? = null, val value: String, val linkId: String? = null, val resourceType: ResourceType? = null) : Parcelable, Serializable


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constructor(key: String, paramType: ActionParameterType? = null, dataType: Enumerations.DataType? = null, value: String, linkId: String? = null, resourceType: ResourceType? = null)


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val dataType: Enumerations.DataType? = null
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val key: String
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val linkId: String? = null
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val resourceType: ResourceType? = null
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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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fun interpolate(computedValuesMap: Map<String, Any>): ActionParameter
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)