
class FhirCarePlanGenerator @Inject constructor(val fhirEngine: FhirEngine, val fhirPathEngine: FHIRPathEngine, val transformSupportServices: TransformSupportServices, val defaultRepository: DefaultRepository, val fhirResourceUtil: FhirResourceUtil, val workflowCarePlanGenerator: WorkflowCarePlanGenerator, val context: Context)


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constructor(fhirEngine: FhirEngine, fhirPathEngine: FHIRPathEngine, transformSupportServices: TransformSupportServices, defaultRepository: DefaultRepository, fhirResourceUtil: FhirResourceUtil, workflowCarePlanGenerator: WorkflowCarePlanGenerator, context: Context)


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val fhirEngine: FhirEngine
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val fhirPathEngine: FHIRPathEngine
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suspend fun conditionallyUpdateResourceStatus(questionnaireConfig: QuestionnaireConfig, subject: Resource, bundle: Bundle)

Updates the due date of a dependent task based on the current status of the task. @param id The ID of the dependent task to update. @return The updated task object. This function is used to update the status of all CarePlans connected to a QuestionnaireConfig's PlanDefinitions based on the QuestionnaireConfig's CarePlanConfigs and their configs filtering information.

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fun evaluateToBoolean(subject: Resource, bundle: Bundle, triggerConditions: List<String>?, matchAll: Boolean = false): Boolean
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fun evaluateToDate(base: Base?, expression: String): BaseDateTimeType?
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suspend fun generateOrUpdateCarePlan(planDefinitionId: String, subject: Resource, data: Bundle = Bundle(), generateCarePlanWithWorkflowApi: Boolean = false): CarePlan?
suspend fun generateOrUpdateCarePlan(planDefinition: PlanDefinition, subject: Resource, data: Bundle = Bundle(), generateCarePlanWithWorkflowApi: Boolean = false): CarePlan?
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suspend fun getTask(id: String): Task?
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suspend fun updateTaskDetailsByResourceId(id: String, status: Task.TaskStatus, reason: String? = null)