Package-level declarations


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data class ActionConfig(val trigger: ActionTrigger, val workflow: String? = null, val id: String? = null, val display: String? = null, val rules: List<RuleConfig>? = null, val questionnaire: QuestionnaireConfig? = null, val managingEntity: ManagingEntityConfig? = null, val params: List<ActionParameter> = emptyList(), val resourceConfig: FhirResourceConfig? = null, val toolBarHomeNavigation: ToolBarHomeNavigation = ToolBarHomeNavigation.OPEN_DRAWER, val popNavigationBackStack: Boolean? = null, val multiSelectViewConfig: MultiSelectViewConfig? = null) : Parcelable, Serializable
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data class ActionParameter(val key: String, val paramType: ActionParameterType? = null, val dataType: Enumerations.DataType? = null, val value: String, val linkId: String? = null, val resourceType: ResourceType? = null) : Parcelable, Serializable
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Represents different types of parameters that can be defined within the config actions

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data class Code(var system: String? = null, var code: String? = null, var display: String? = null) : Parcelable, Serializable
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data class CountResultConfig(val sumCounts: Boolean = true) : Parcelable, Serializable
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data class DataQuery(val paramName: String, val operation: Operation = Operation.AND, val filterCriteria: List<FilterCriterionConfig>) : Parcelable, Serializable
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data class FhirResourceConfig(val baseResource: ResourceConfig, val relatedResources: List<ResourceConfig> = emptyList()) : Parcelable, Serializable

Represents FHIR resources used on the register. The baseResource is the main resource used which can be accompanied by relatedResources.

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data class KeyValueConfig(val key: String, val value: String) : Parcelable, Serializable
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data class Language(val tag: String, val displayName: String)
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data class MultiSelectViewConfig(val resourceConfig: FhirResourceConfig, val parentIdFhirPathExpression: String, val contentFhirPathExpression: String, val rootNodeFhirPathExpression: KeyValueConfig) : Serializable, Parcelable
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data class NestedSearchConfig(val resourceType: ResourceType, val referenceParam: String, val dataQueries: List<DataQuery>? = null) : Parcelable, Serializable
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data class OverflowMenuItemConfig(val id: Int = 1, val title: String = "", val confirmAction: Boolean = false, val icon: ImageConfig? = null, val titleColor: String = BLACK_COLOR_HEX_CODE, val backgroundColor: String? = null, val visible: String, val showSeparator: Boolean = false, val enabled: String = TRUE, val actions: List<ActionConfig> = emptyList()) : Parcelable, Serializable
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data class RelatedResourceCount(val relatedResourceType: ResourceType? = null, val parentResourceId: String? = null, val count: Long)

This model represent a count result for RepositoryResourceData. The parentResourceId refers to the id of the parent resource that we are interested in counting it's related resources.

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data class RepositoryResourceData(val resourceRulesEngineFactId: String? = null, val resource: Resource, val relatedResourcesMap: Map<String, List<Resource>> = emptyMap(), val relatedResourcesCountMap: Map<String, List<RelatedResourceCount>> = emptyMap(), val secondaryRepositoryResourceData: List<RepositoryResourceData>? = null)

This represent the outcome of a query performed via the Repository. The query performed can either return a count or map of Resource's (including nested resources flattened in the map). The optional property resourceRulesEngineFactId that can be used as the key in the rules factory facts map (each fact is represented as a key-value pair). The key for the relatedResourcesMap will either be the configured unique id for representing the resource(s) in Rules engine Facts map or the ResourceType. secondaryRepositoryResourceData returns a list of independent resources (which may include nested resource(s)) that have NO relationship with the base resource.

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data class ResourceConfig(val id: String? = null, val resource: ResourceType, val filterId: String? = null, val searchParameter: String? = null, val isRevInclude: Boolean = true, val dataQueries: List<DataQuery>? = null, val relatedResources: List<ResourceConfig> = emptyList(), val sortConfigs: List<SortConfig> = emptyList(), val resultAsCount: Boolean = false, val countResultConfig: CountResultConfig? = CountResultConfig(), val nestedSearchResources: List<NestedSearchConfig>? = null, val configRules: List<RuleConfig>? = emptyList(), val planDefinitions: List<String>? = null, val attributesToUpdate: List<KeyValueConfig>? = emptyList(), val filterFhirPathExpressions: List<KeyValueConfig>? = emptyList()) : Parcelable, Serializable

This is the data class used to hold configurations for FHIR resources used in Profile and Registers. The property resource represents the ResourceType. id is a unique name used as key in the rules engine fact's map. resultAsCount property is used to indicate whether to perform count SQL query or not. Count queries return a count whereas search queries return the result of SQL SELECT statement.

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data class ResourceData(val baseResourceId: String, val baseResourceType: ResourceType, val computedValuesMap: Map<String, Any>, val listResourceDataMap: Map<String, List<ResourceData>>? = null)

Represent the resource types that are used on a Register.

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data class ResourceFilterExpression(val conditionalFhirPathExpressions: List<String>, val matchAll: Boolean = true, val resourceType: ResourceType? = null) : Serializable, Parcelable
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Represents different types of rounding strategies that can be applied to Decimal numbers within the application

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data class RuleConfig(val name: String, val description: String = "", val priority: Int = 1, val condition: String = "true", val actions: List<String>) : Serializable, Parcelable
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data class SnackBarMessageConfig(val message: String = "", val actionLabel: String? = null, val duration: SnackbarDuration = SnackbarDuration.Short, val snackBarActions: List<ActionConfig> = emptyList()) : Serializable, Parcelable
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data class SortConfig(val paramName: String? = null, val dataType: Enumerations.DataType, val order: Order = Order.ASCENDING, val fhirPathExpression: String = "") : Parcelable, Serializable
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data class SyncLocationState(val locationId: String, val parentLocationId: String?, val toggleableState: ToggleableState)
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data class TopBarConfig(val title: CompoundTextProperties? = null, val collapsible: Boolean = true, val content: List<ViewProperties> = emptyList(), val toolBarHomeNavigation: ToolBarHomeNavigation = ToolBarHomeNavigation.NAVIGATE_BACK, val showOverflowMenu: Boolean = true) : Parcelable, Serializable
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data class TopScreenSectionConfig(val searchBar: RegisterContentConfig?, val title: String? = null, val menuIcons: List<ImageProperties>? = null)
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Represents different types of views that can be rendered via compose


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