
data class ManagingEntityConfig(val nameFhirPathExpression: String? = null, val eligibilityCriteriaFhirPathExpression: String? = "", val resourceType: ResourceType? = null, val dialogTitle: String? = null, val dialogWarningMessage: String? = null, val dialogContentMessage: String? = null, val noMembersErrorMessage: String = "", val managingEntityReassignedMessage: String = "", var relationshipCode: Code? = null) : Parcelable, Serializable


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constructor(nameFhirPathExpression: String? = null, eligibilityCriteriaFhirPathExpression: String? = "", resourceType: ResourceType? = null, dialogTitle: String? = null, dialogWarningMessage: String? = null, dialogContentMessage: String? = null, noMembersErrorMessage: String = "", managingEntityReassignedMessage: String = "", relationshipCode: Code? = null)


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A message displayed to the user informing them about the action they are about to perform

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val dialogTitle: String? = null

The dialog title for selecting managing entity (can be regular or translatable string)

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A warning message displayed on the view for selecting managing entity (can be regular or translatable string)

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A conditional FHIRPath expression used to determine the criteria for being a managing entity

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FHIRPath expression used to extract the name of the managingEntity Example: An expression to extract the given name from the Patient resource (

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val resourceType: ResourceType? = null

config for indicating the type of resource used for the ManagingEntity


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)