
data class CompoundTextProperties(val viewType: ViewType = ViewType.COMPOUND_TEXT, val weight: Float = 0.0f, val backgroundColor: String? = null, val padding: Int = 0, val borderRadius: Int = 2, val alignment: ViewAlignment = ViewAlignment.NONE, val fillMaxWidth: Boolean = false, val fillMaxHeight: Boolean = false, val clickable: String = "false", val visible: String = "true", val primaryText: String? = null, val primaryTextColor: String? = null, val secondaryText: String? = null, val secondaryTextColor: String? = null, val separator: String? = null, val fontSize: Float = 16.0f, val primaryTextBackgroundColor: String? = null, val secondaryTextBackgroundColor: String? = null, val primaryTextFontWeight: TextFontWeight = TextFontWeight.NORMAL, val secondaryTextFontWeight: TextFontWeight = TextFontWeight.NORMAL, val primaryTextActions: List<ActionConfig> = emptyList(), val secondaryTextActions: List<ActionConfig> = emptyList(), val maxLines: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE, val colorOpacity: Float = 1.0f, val textCase: TextCase? = null, val overflow: TextOverFlow? = null, val letterSpacing: Int = 0) : ViewProperties, Parcelable


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constructor(viewType: ViewType = ViewType.COMPOUND_TEXT, weight: Float = 0.0f, backgroundColor: String? = null, padding: Int = 0, borderRadius: Int = 2, alignment: ViewAlignment = ViewAlignment.NONE, fillMaxWidth: Boolean = false, fillMaxHeight: Boolean = false, clickable: String = "false", visible: String = "true", primaryText: String? = null, primaryTextColor: String? = null, secondaryText: String? = null, secondaryTextColor: String? = null, separator: String? = null, fontSize: Float = 16.0f, primaryTextBackgroundColor: String? = null, secondaryTextBackgroundColor: String? = null, primaryTextFontWeight: TextFontWeight = TextFontWeight.NORMAL, secondaryTextFontWeight: TextFontWeight = TextFontWeight.NORMAL, primaryTextActions: List<ActionConfig> = emptyList(), secondaryTextActions: List<ActionConfig> = emptyList(), maxLines: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE, colorOpacity: Float = 1.0f, textCase: TextCase? = null, overflow: TextOverFlow? = null, letterSpacing: Int = 0)


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open override val alignment: ViewAlignment
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open override val backgroundColor: String? = null
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open override val borderRadius: Int = 2
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open override val clickable: String
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val colorOpacity: Float = 1.0f
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open override val fillMaxHeight: Boolean = false
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open override val fillMaxWidth: Boolean = false
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val fontSize: Float = 16.0f
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val overflow: TextOverFlow? = null
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open override val padding: Int = 0
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val primaryText: String? = null
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val secondaryText: String? = null
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val separator: String? = null
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val textCase: TextCase? = null
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open override val viewType: ViewType
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open override val visible: String
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open override val weight: Float = 0.0f


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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open override fun interpolate(computedValuesMap: Map<String, Any>): CompoundTextProperties
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)