
data class MultiSelectViewConfig(val resourceConfig: FhirResourceConfig, val parentIdFhirPathExpression: String, val contentFhirPathExpression: String, val rootNodeFhirPathExpression: KeyValueConfig) : Serializable, Parcelable


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constructor(resourceConfig: FhirResourceConfig, parentIdFhirPathExpression: String, contentFhirPathExpression: String, rootNodeFhirPathExpression: KeyValueConfig)


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FhirPath expression for extracting the content displayed on the multi select widget e.g. the name of the Location in a Location hierarchy

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FhirPath expression for extracting the ID for the parent resource

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The configuration for FHIR resource to be loaded

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A key value pair containing a FHIRPath expression for extracting the value used to identify if the current resource is Root. The key is the FHIRPath expression while value is the content to compare against.


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)