
class RegisterRepository @Inject constructor(val fhirEngine: FhirEngine, val dispatcherProvider: DispatcherProvider, val sharedPreferencesHelper: SharedPreferencesHelper, val configurationRegistry: ConfigurationRegistry, val configService: ConfigService, val configRulesExecutor: ConfigRulesExecutor, val fhirPathDataExtractor: FhirPathDataExtractor, val parser: IParser, val context: Context) : DefaultRepository, Repository


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constructor(fhirEngine: FhirEngine, dispatcherProvider: DispatcherProvider, sharedPreferencesHelper: SharedPreferencesHelper, configurationRegistry: ConfigurationRegistry, configService: ConfigService, configRulesExecutor: ConfigRulesExecutor, fhirPathDataExtractor: FhirPathDataExtractor, parser: IParser, context: Context)


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open override val configService: ConfigService
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open override val context: Context
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open override val fhirEngine: FhirEngine
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open override val parser: IParser
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suspend fun <R : Resource> addOrUpdate(addMandatoryTags: Boolean = true, resource: R)

This function upserts a resource into the database. This function also updates the Resource.meta and generates the if it is missing before upserting the resource. The resource needs to already have a

suspend fun Search.applyFilterByRelatedEntityLocationMetaTag(baseResourceType: ResourceType, filterByRelatedEntityLocation: Boolean)
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suspend fun changeManagingEntity(newManagingEntityId: String, groupId: String, managingEntityConfig: ManagingEntityConfig?)
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suspend fun closeResource(resource: Resource, eventWorkflow: EventWorkflow)
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inline suspend fun count(search: Search): Long
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open suspend override fun countRegisterData(registerId: String, fhirResourceConfig: FhirResourceConfig?, paramsMap: Map<String, String>?): Long

Count register data for the provided registerId. Use the configured base resource filters

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suspend fun create(addResourceTags: Boolean = true, vararg resource: Resource): List<String>

Saves a resource in the database. It also updates the Resource.meta _lastUpdated and generates the if it is missing before saving the resource.

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suspend fun createRemote(addResourceTags: Boolean = true, vararg resource: Resource)
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suspend fun delete(resource: Resource, softDelete: Boolean = false)
suspend fun delete(resourceType: ResourceType, resourceId: String, softDelete: Boolean = false)
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fun filterRelatedResource(resource: Resource, resourceConfig: ResourceConfig): Boolean

Filtering the Related Resources is achieved by use of the filterFhirPathExpression configuration. It specifies which field and values to filter the resources by.

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suspend fun loadManagingEntity(group: Group): Patient?
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open suspend override fun loadProfileData(profileId: String, resourceId: String, fhirResourceConfig: FhirResourceConfig?, paramsList: Array<ActionParameter>?): RepositoryResourceData

This function returns data used on the profile for the given resourceId. Profile configuration is identified by the profileId and contains the queries for filtering the profile data. Data is loaded based on the FhirResourceConfig. When none is provided the configurations identified by the profileId are used.

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open suspend override fun loadRegisterData(currentPage: Int, registerId: String, fhirResourceConfig: FhirResourceConfig?, paramsMap: Map<String, String>?): List<RepositoryResourceData>

This function loads the desired register configuration using the provided registerId. The data query extracted from the retrieved configuration is used to filter the register data (FHIR resources wrapped in ResourceData

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inline suspend fun <T : Resource> loadResource(resourceId: String): T?
suspend fun loadResource(reference: Reference): Resource
suspend fun loadResource(resourceId: String, resourceType: ResourceType): Resource
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suspend fun purge(resource: Resource, forcePurge: Boolean)
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suspend fun removeGroup(groupId: String, isDeactivateMembers: Boolean?, configComputedRuleValues: Map<String, Any>)
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suspend fun removeGroupMember(memberId: String, groupId: String?, groupMemberResourceType: ResourceType?, configComputedRuleValues: Map<String, Any>)

Remove member of a group using the provided memberId and groupMemberResourceType

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suspend fun retrieveFlattenedSubLocations(locationId: String): LinkedList<Location>
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suspend fun retrieveUniqueIdAssignmentResource(uniqueIdAssignmentConfig: UniqueIdAssignmentConfig?, computedValuesMap: Map<String, Any>): Resource?
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inline suspend fun <R : Resource> search(search: Search): List<R>
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inline suspend fun <T : Resource> searchResourceFor(token: TokenClientParam, subjectType: ResourceType, subjectId: String, dataQueries: List<DataQuery> = listOf(), configComputedRuleValues: Map<String, Any>): List<T>
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suspend fun searchResourcesRecursively(filterByRelatedEntityLocationMetaTag: Boolean, filterActiveResources: List<ActiveResourceFilterConfig>?, fhirResourceConfig: FhirResourceConfig, secondaryResourceConfigs: List<FhirResourceConfig>?, currentPage: Int? = null, pageSize: Int? = null, configRules: List<RuleConfig>?): List<RepositoryResourceData>
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suspend fun <R : Resource> update(resource: R)
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suspend fun updateResourcesRecursively(resourceConfig: ResourceConfig, subject: Resource? = null, eventWorkflow: EventWorkflow)

Data queries for retrieving resources require the id to be provided in the format ResourceType/UUID e.g Group/0acda8c9-3fa3-40ae-abcd-7d1fba7098b4. When resources are synced up to the server the id is updated with history information e.g Group/0acda8c9-3fa3-40ae-abcd-7d1fba7098b4/_history/1 This needs to be formatted to ResourceType/UUID format and updated in the computedValuesMap