
class MeasureReportViewModel @Inject constructor(val fhirEngine: FhirEngine, val fhirOperator: FhirOperator, val sharedPreferencesHelper: SharedPreferencesHelper, val dispatcherProvider: DefaultDispatcherProvider, val configurationRegistry: ConfigurationRegistry, val registerRepository: RegisterRepository, val measureReportSubjectViewDataMapper: MeasureReportSubjectViewDataMapper, val defaultRepository: DefaultRepository, val resourceDataRulesExecutor: ResourceDataRulesExecutor, measureReportRepository: MeasureReportRepository) : ViewModel


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constructor(fhirEngine: FhirEngine, fhirOperator: FhirOperator, sharedPreferencesHelper: SharedPreferencesHelper, dispatcherProvider: DefaultDispatcherProvider, configurationRegistry: ConfigurationRegistry, registerRepository: RegisterRepository, measureReportSubjectViewDataMapper: MeasureReportSubjectViewDataMapper, defaultRepository: DefaultRepository, resourceDataRulesExecutor: ResourceDataRulesExecutor, measureReportRepository: MeasureReportRepository)


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object Companion


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val fhirEngine: FhirEngine
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val fhirOperator: FhirOperator
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val reportTypeState: MutableState<MeasureReport.MeasureReportType>
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open fun addCloseable(closeable: AutoCloseable)
fun addCloseable(key: String, closeable: AutoCloseable)
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fun evaluateMeasure(navController: NavController, practitionerId: String? = null)
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suspend fun formatPopulationMeasureReports(measureReports: List<MeasureReport>, indicators: List<ReportConfiguration> = listOf()): List<MeasureReportPopulationResult>
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This function @returns a map of year-month for all months falling in given measure period

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fun onEvent(event: MeasureReportEvent, selectedDate: Date? = null)
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This function lists the fixed range selection in months for the entire year

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This function lists the subject selection in report selector

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fun toggleProgressIndicatorVisibility(showProgressIndicator: Boolean = false)