
class FhirCompleteCarePlanWorker @AssistedInject constructor(@Assisted val context: Context, @Assisted workerParams: WorkerParameters, val defaultRepository: DefaultRepository, val fhirCarePlanGenerator: FhirCarePlanGenerator, val sharedPreferencesHelper: SharedPreferencesHelper, val configurationRegistry: ConfigurationRegistry, val dispatcherProvider: DispatcherProvider, val fhirResourceUtil: FhirResourceUtil) : CoroutineWorker


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constructor(@Assisted context: Context, @Assisted workerParams: WorkerParameters, defaultRepository: DefaultRepository, fhirCarePlanGenerator: FhirCarePlanGenerator, sharedPreferencesHelper: SharedPreferencesHelper, configurationRegistry: ConfigurationRegistry, dispatcherProvider: DispatcherProvider, fhirResourceUtil: FhirResourceUtil)


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object Companion


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open val coroutineContext: CoroutineDispatcher
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open suspend override fun doWork(): ListenableWorker.Result
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suspend fun getCarePlans(batchSize: Int, lastOffset: Int): List<CarePlan>
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open suspend fun getForegroundInfo(): ForegroundInfo
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override fun getForegroundInfoAsync(): ListenableFuture<ForegroundInfo>
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@RequiresApi(value = 31)
fun getStopReason(): Int
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override fun onStopped()
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suspend fun setForeground(foregroundInfo: ForegroundInfo)
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fun setForegroundAsync(@NonNull foregroundInfo: ForegroundInfo): ListenableFuture<Void>
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suspend fun setProgress(data: Data)
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open fun setProgressAsync(@NonNull data: Data): ListenableFuture<Void>
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override fun startWork(): ListenableFuture<ListenableWorker.Result>
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