Package-level declarations


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class AccountAuthenticator @Inject constructor(val context: Context, val accountManager: AccountManager, val tokenAuthenticator: TokenAuthenticator) : AbstractAccountAuthenticator
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class ConfigDownloadWorker @AssistedInject constructor(@Assisted val appContext: Context, @Assisted val workerParams: WorkerParameters, val configurationRegistry: ConfigurationRegistry, val dispatcherProvider: DispatcherProvider, val defaultRepository: DefaultRepository, val dataMigration: DataMigration) : CoroutineWorker
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class LoginViewModel @Inject constructor(val configurationRegistry: ConfigurationRegistry, val accountAuthenticator: AccountAuthenticator, val sharedPreferences: SharedPreferencesHelper, val secureSharedPreference: SecureSharedPreference, val defaultRepository: DefaultRepository, val configService: ConfigService, val keycloakService: KeycloakService, val fhirResourceService: FhirResourceService, val tokenAuthenticator: TokenAuthenticator, val dispatcherProvider: DispatcherProvider, val workManager: WorkManager) : ViewModel


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const val APP_LOGO_TAG: String
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const val LOGIN_FOOTER: String
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fun ForgotPasswordDialog(supervisorContactNumber: String?, forgotPassword: () -> Unit, onDismissDialog: () -> Unit, modifier: Modifier = Modifier)
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fun LoginPage(applicationConfiguration: ApplicationConfiguration, username: String, onUsernameChanged: (String) -> Unit, password: String, onPasswordChanged: (String) -> Unit, forgotPassword: () -> Unit, onLoginButtonClicked: () -> Unit, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, loginErrorState: LoginErrorState? = null, showProgressBar: Boolean = false, appVersionPair: Pair<Int, String>? = null)
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fun LoginScreen(loginViewModel: LoginViewModel, appVersionPair: Pair<Int, String>? = null)
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