
Retrofit Service for communication with HAPI FHIR server. Used for querying FHIR Resources


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@DELETE(value = "{resourceType}/{id}")
abstract suspend fun deleteResource(@Path(value = "resourceType") resourceType: String, @Path(value = "id") id: String): OperationOutcome
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abstract suspend fun fetchImage(@Url url: String): ResponseBody?
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abstract suspend fun getResource(@Url url: String): Bundle
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abstract suspend fun getResourceWithGatewayModeHeader(@Header(value = "FHIR-Gateway-Mode") fhirGatewayMode: String? = null, @Url url: String): Bundle
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@PUT(value = "{resourceType}/{id}")
abstract suspend fun insertResource(@Path(value = "resourceType") resourceType: String, @Path(value = "id") id: String, @Body body: RequestBody): Resource
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abstract suspend fun post(@Url url: String, @Body body: RequestBody): Bundle
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@GET(value = "{resourceType}/_search")
abstract suspend fun searchResource(@Path(value = "resourceType") resourceType: String, @QueryMap(encoded = false) searchParameters: Map<String, String>): Bundle
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@PATCH(value = "{resourceType}/{id}")
abstract suspend fun updateResource(@Path(value = "resourceType") resourceType: String, @Path(value = "id") id: String, @Body body: RequestBody): OperationOutcome