Package-level declarations


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class DefaultDispatcherProvider @Inject constructor : DispatcherProvider
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object FileUtil

This class has method to help load static files, their contents and properties in android

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class SecureSharedPreference @Inject constructor(val context: Context)
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class SharedPreferencesHelper @Inject constructor(val context: Context, val gson: Gson)
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class TimeZoneTypeAdapter : TypeAdapter<TimeZone>


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fun <T : Any> KClass<T>.callFunction(method: String, vararg args: Any): Any?
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suspend fun <T : Any> KClass<T>.callSuspendFunctionOnField(obj: T, field: String, method: String, vararg args: Any): Any?
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suspend fun <T> Iterable<T>.forEachAsync(action: suspend (T) -> Unit)

Launch a new coroutine for each loop iteration using async.

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fun getLastOffset(items: List<Any>, lastOffset: Int, batchSize: Int): Int
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fun passwordHashString(password: CharArray, salt: ByteArray): String
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suspend fun <A, B> Iterable<A>.pmap(f: suspend (A) -> B): Iterable<B>

Launch a new coroutine for each map iteration using async. From

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