Package-level declarations


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sealed class ConfigType

Types of configurations supported

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abstract class Configuration : Serializable

Every class or object providing UI customizations e.g. appTitle, showFilter, showSideMenu, showSearchBar etc. is required MUST adhere to this contract to provide consistencies. Conventionally, the implementers should be named after this interface e.g. RegisterViewConfiguration, ProfileViewConfiguration etc.

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class ConfigurationRegistry @Inject constructor(val fhirEngine: FhirEngine, val fhirResourceDataSource: FhirResourceDataSource, val sharedPreferencesHelper: SharedPreferencesHelper, val dispatcherProvider: DispatcherProvider, val configService: ConfigService, val json: Json, val context: Context)
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data class ConfirmationDialog(val title: String = "", val message: String = "", val actionButtonText: String = "") : Serializable, Parcelable
data class ExtractedResourceUniquePropertyExpression(val resourceType: ResourceType, val fhirPathExpression: String) : Serializable, Parcelable
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data class GroupResourceConfig(val groupIdentifier: String, val memberResourceType: ResourceType, val removeMember: Boolean = false, val removeGroup: Boolean = false, val deactivateMembers: Boolean = true) : Serializable, Parcelable
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data class LinkIdConfig(val linkId: String, val type: LinkIdType) : Serializable, Parcelable
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enum LinkIdType : Enum<LinkIdType> , Parcelable
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data class QuestionnaireConfig(val id: String, val title: String? = null, val saveButtonText: String? = null, val planDefinitions: List<String>? = null, var type: String =, val resourceIdentifier: String? = null, val resourceType: ResourceType? = null, val removeResource: Boolean? = null, val confirmationDialog: ConfirmationDialog? = null, val groupResource: GroupResourceConfig? = null, val taskId: String? = null, val encounterId: String? = null, val saveDraft: Boolean = false, val snackBarMessage: SnackBarMessageConfig? = null, val eventWorkflows: List<EventWorkflow> = emptyList(), val readOnlyLinkIds: List<String>? = emptyList(), val configRules: List<RuleConfig>? = null, val extraParams: List<ActionParameter>? = null, val onSubmitActions: List<ActionConfig>? = null, val barcodeLinkId: String? = "patient-barcode", val extractedResourceUniquePropertyExpressions: List<ExtractedResourceUniquePropertyExpression>? = null, val saveQuestionnaireResponse: Boolean = true, val generateCarePlanWithWorkflowApi: Boolean = false, val cqlInputResources: List<String>? = emptyList(), val showClearAll: Boolean = false, val showRequiredTextAsterisk: Boolean = true, val showRequiredText: Boolean = false, val managingEntityRelationshipCode: String? = null, val uniqueIdAssignment: UniqueIdAssignmentConfig? = null, val linkIds: List<LinkIdConfig>? = null, val htmlBinaryId: String? = null, val htmlTitle: String? = null) : Serializable, Parcelable
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data class UniqueIdAssignmentConfig(val linkId: String, val idFhirPathExpression: String, val readOnly: Boolean = true, val resource: ResourceType, val dataQueries: List<DataQuery> = emptyList(), val sortConfigs: List<SortConfig>? = null, val resourceFilterExpression: ResourceFilterExpression? = null) : Serializable, Parcelable