Package-level declarations


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data class ButtonProperties(val viewType: ViewType = ViewType.BUTTON, val weight: Float = 0.0f, val backgroundColor: String? = null, val padding: Int = 0, val borderRadius: Int = 14, val alignment: ViewAlignment = ViewAlignment.NONE, val fillMaxWidth: Boolean = true, val fillMaxHeight: Boolean = false, val clickable: String = "false", val visible: String = "true", val contentColor: String? = null, val enabled: String = "true", val text: String? = null, val status: String, val fontSize: Float = 14.0f, val actions: List<ActionConfig> = emptyList(), val buttonType: ButtonType = ButtonType.MEDIUM, val startIcon: ImageConfig? = null, val letterSpacing: Int = 0, val backgroundOpacity: Float = 0.0f, val colorOpacity: Float = 0.0f, val statusIconSize: Int = 16) : ViewProperties, Parcelable
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data class CardViewProperties(val viewType: ViewType, val weight: Float = 0.0f, val backgroundColor: String? = null, val padding: Int = 0, val borderRadius: Int = 2, val alignment: ViewAlignment = ViewAlignment.NONE, val fillMaxWidth: Boolean = false, val fillMaxHeight: Boolean = false, val clickable: String = "true", val visible: String = "true", val content: List<ViewProperties> = emptyList(), val elevation: Int = 5, val cornerSize: Int = 6, val header: CompoundTextProperties? = null, val headerBackgroundColor: String = "#F2F4F7", val headerAction: CompoundTextProperties? = null, val emptyContentMessage: String = "", val contentPadding: Int = 16) : ViewProperties, Parcelable
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data class ColumnProperties(val viewType: ViewType, val weight: Float = 0.0f, val backgroundColor: String? = null, val padding: Int = 0, val borderRadius: Int = 0, val alignment: ViewAlignment = ViewAlignment.NONE, val fillMaxWidth: Boolean = false, val fillMaxHeight: Boolean = false, val clickable: String = "false", val visible: String = "true", val spacedBy: Int = 8, val wrapContent: Boolean = false, val arrangement: ColumnArrangement? = null, val children: List<ViewProperties> = emptyList(), val showDivider: String = "false", val actions: List<ActionConfig> = emptyList()) : ViewProperties, Parcelable
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data class CompoundTextProperties(val viewType: ViewType = ViewType.COMPOUND_TEXT, val weight: Float = 0.0f, val backgroundColor: String? = null, val padding: Int = 0, val borderRadius: Int = 2, val alignment: ViewAlignment = ViewAlignment.NONE, val fillMaxWidth: Boolean = false, val fillMaxHeight: Boolean = false, val clickable: String = "false", val visible: String = "true", val primaryText: String? = null, val primaryTextColor: String? = null, val secondaryText: String? = null, val secondaryTextColor: String? = null, val separator: String? = null, val fontSize: Float = 16.0f, val primaryTextBackgroundColor: String? = null, val secondaryTextBackgroundColor: String? = null, val primaryTextFontWeight: TextFontWeight = TextFontWeight.NORMAL, val secondaryTextFontWeight: TextFontWeight = TextFontWeight.NORMAL, val primaryTextActions: List<ActionConfig> = emptyList(), val secondaryTextActions: List<ActionConfig> = emptyList(), val maxLines: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE, val colorOpacity: Float = 1.0f, val textCase: TextCase? = null, val overflow: TextOverFlow? = null, val letterSpacing: Int = 0) : ViewProperties, Parcelable
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data class DividerProperties(val viewType: ViewType = ViewType.BORDER, val weight: Float = 0.0f, val backgroundColor: String? = "#FFFFFF", val padding: Int = 0, val borderRadius: Int = 0, val alignment: ViewAlignment = ViewAlignment.NONE, val fillMaxWidth: Boolean = false, val fillMaxHeight: Boolean = false, val clickable: String = "false", val visible: String = "true", val thickness: Float = 0.5f) : ViewProperties, Parcelable
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data class ImageProperties(val viewType: ViewType = ViewType.IMAGE, val weight: Float = 0.0f, val backgroundColor: String? = null, val padding: Int = -1, val borderRadius: Int = 2, val alignment: ViewAlignment = ViewAlignment.NONE, val fillMaxWidth: Boolean = false, val fillMaxHeight: Boolean = false, val clickable: String = "false", val visible: String = "true", val tint: String? = null, val text: String? = null, val imageConfig: ImageConfig? = null, val size: Int? = null, val shape: ImageShape? = null, val textColor: String? = null, val actions: List<ActionConfig> = emptyList()) : ViewProperties, Parcelable
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data class ListProperties(val viewType: ViewType, val weight: Float = 0.0f, val backgroundColor: String? = "#FFFFFF", val padding: Int = 0, val borderRadius: Int = 2, val alignment: ViewAlignment = ViewAlignment.NONE, val fillMaxWidth: Boolean = false, val fillMaxHeight: Boolean = false, val clickable: String = "false", val visible: String = "true", val id: String = "listId", val registerCard: RegisterCardConfig, val showDivider: Boolean = true, val emptyList: NoResultsConfig? = null, val orientation: ListOrientation = ListOrientation.VERTICAL, val resources: List<ListResource> = emptyList()) : ViewProperties, Parcelable
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data class ListResource(val id: String? = null, val relatedResourceId: String? = null, val resourceType: ResourceType, val conditionalFhirPathExpression: String? = null, val sortConfig: SortConfig? = null, val fhirPathExpression: String? = null, val relatedResources: List<ListResource> = emptyList()) : Parcelable, Serializable
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data class PersonalDataItem(val label: CompoundTextProperties, val displayValue: CompoundTextProperties) : Parcelable, Serializable
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data class PersonalDataProperties(val viewType: ViewType = ViewType.PERSONAL_DATA, val weight: Float = 0.0f, val backgroundColor: String? = "#FFFFFF", val padding: Int = 0, val borderRadius: Int = 2, val alignment: ViewAlignment = ViewAlignment.NONE, val fillMaxWidth: Boolean = false, val fillMaxHeight: Boolean = false, val clickable: String = "false", val visible: String = "true", val personalDataItems: List<PersonalDataItem> = emptyList()) : ViewProperties, Parcelable
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data class RowProperties(val viewType: ViewType, val weight: Float = 0.0f, val backgroundColor: String? = null, val padding: Int = 0, val borderRadius: Int = 0, val alignment: ViewAlignment = ViewAlignment.NONE, val fillMaxWidth: Boolean = false, val fillMaxHeight: Boolean = false, val clickable: String = "false", val visible: String = "true", val spacedBy: Int = 8, val arrangement: RowArrangement? = null, val wrapContent: Boolean = false, val children: List<ViewProperties> = emptyList(), val actions: List<ActionConfig> = emptyList()) : ViewProperties, Parcelable
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data class ServiceCardProperties(val viewType: ViewType = ViewType.SERVICE_CARD, val weight: Float = 0.0f, val backgroundColor: String? = "#FFFFFF", val padding: Int = 0, val borderRadius: Int = 2, val alignment: ViewAlignment = ViewAlignment.NONE, val fillMaxWidth: Boolean = false, val fillMaxHeight: Boolean = false, val clickable: String = "true", val visible: String = "true", val details: List<CompoundTextProperties> = emptyList(), val showVerticalDivider: Boolean = false, val serviceMemberIcons: String? = null, val serviceMemberIconsTint: String? = null, val serviceButton: ButtonProperties? = null, val services: List<ButtonProperties>? = null, val actions: List<ActionConfig> = emptyList()) : ViewProperties, Parcelable
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data class SpacerProperties(val viewType: ViewType = ViewType.SPACER, val weight: Float = 0.0f, val backgroundColor: String? = "#FFFFFF", val padding: Int = 0, val borderRadius: Int = 2, val alignment: ViewAlignment = ViewAlignment.NONE, val fillMaxWidth: Boolean = false, val fillMaxHeight: Boolean = false, val clickable: String = "false", val visible: String = "true", val height: Float? = null, val width: Float? = null) : ViewProperties, Parcelable
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data class StackViewProperties(val viewType: ViewType = ViewType.STACK, val weight: Float = 0.0f, val backgroundColor: String? = "#FFFFFF", val padding: Int = 0, val borderRadius: Int = 0, val alignment: ViewAlignment = ViewAlignment.NONE, val fillMaxWidth: Boolean = false, val fillMaxHeight: Boolean = false, val clickable: String = "false", val visible: String = "true", val opacity: Float = 0.0f, val size: Int? = 0, val children: List<ViewProperties> = emptyList()) : ViewProperties, Parcelable
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@Serializable(with = ViewPropertiesSerializer::class)
abstract class ViewProperties : Serializable

An abstract for view properties. This is needed so we can serialize/deserialize view properties map into different data classes. Common view properties MUST be implemented by subclasses for access.

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object ViewPropertiesSerializer : JsonContentPolymorphicSerializer<ViewProperties>


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This function obtains all ListProperties from the ViewProperties list; including the nested LISTs