
data class NavigationStartDestinationConfig(val id: String? = null, val screenTitle: String? = null, val launcherType: LauncherType = LauncherType.REGISTER) : Parcelable

This class configures the initial screen the application will be directed to upon launch. The application currently supports LauncherType.REGISTER and LauncherType.MAP screen as the entry point. This config defaults to launching a register with the rest of the properties obtained from the first NavigationItemConfig of the NavigationConfiguration


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constructor(id: String? = null, screenTitle: String? = null, launcherType: LauncherType = LauncherType.REGISTER)


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val id: String? = null
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val screenTitle: String? = null


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)