Package-level declarations


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data class ApplicationConfiguration(var appId: String, var configType: String =, val appTitle: String = "", val remoteSyncPageSize: Int = 100, val languages: List<String> = listOf("en"), val useDarkTheme: Boolean = false, val syncInterval: Long = 15, val syncStrategy: List<SyncStrategy> = listOf(), val loginConfig: LoginConfig = LoginConfig(), val deviceToDeviceSync: DeviceToDeviceSyncConfig? = null, val snackBarTheme: SnackBarThemeConfig = SnackBarThemeConfig(), val reportRepeatTime: String = "", val taskStatusUpdateJobDuration: String = "PT15M", val taskExpireJobDuration: String = "PT30M", val taskCompleteCarePlanJobDuration: String = "PT60M", val showLogo: Boolean = true, val taskBackgroundWorkerBatchSize: Int = 500, val eventWorkflows: List<EventWorkflow> = emptyList(), val settingsScreenMenuOptions: List<SettingsOptions> = listOf( SettingsOptions.MANUAL_SYNC, SettingsOptions.SWITCH_LANGUAGES, SettingsOptions.RESET_DATA, SettingsOptions.INSIGHTS, ), val logGpsLocation: List<LocationLogOptions> = emptyList(), val usePractitionerAssignedLocationOnSync: Boolean = true, val navigationStartDestination: NavigationStartDestinationConfig = NavigationStartDestinationConfig( launcherType = LauncherType.REGISTER, id = null, ), val codingSystems: List<CodingSystemConfig> = emptyList()) : Configuration
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data class AuthConfiguration(var oauthServerBaseUrl: String, var fhirServerBaseUrl: String, var clientId: String, var accountType: String, var scope: String = "openid")

Configurations for Keycloak server authentication loaded from the BuildConfig

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data class CodingSystemConfig(val coding: Code, val usage: CodingSystemUsage) : Parcelable, Serializable

This configuration provides the various Code systems used in the application and how they are to be used. For instance the code with CodingSystemUsage.LOCATION_LINKAGE type of usage will be used to link any FHIR resource to a Location via a List resource. The List resource will include the Location as it's subject and the linked resources in it's entry property. The List resource will have a special code used to differentiate it from other List resources.

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interface ConfigService

An interface that provides the application configurations.

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data class DeviceToDeviceSyncConfig(val resourcesToSync: List<String>? = null)
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data class LoginConfig(val showLogo: Boolean = true, val enablePin: Boolean? = false, val pinLength: Int = 4, val pinLoginMessage: String? = null, val logoHeight: Int = 120, val logoWidth: Int = 140, val showAppTitle: Boolean = true, val supervisorContactNumber: String? = null)
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data class NavigationStartDestinationConfig(val id: String? = null, val screenTitle: String? = null, val launcherType: LauncherType = LauncherType.REGISTER) : Parcelable

This class configures the initial screen the application will be directed to upon launch. The application currently supports LauncherType.REGISTER and LauncherType.MAP screen as the entry point. This config defaults to launching a register with the rest of the properties obtained from the first NavigationItemConfig of the NavigationConfiguration

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data class SnackBarThemeConfig(val messageTextColor: String = "#FFFFFF", val actionTextColor: String = "#FFE400", val backgroundColor: String = "#2c2c2c") : Serializable
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