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Save form as draft

This is support for saving a form, that is in progress, as a draft.

This functionality is only relevant to forms that are unique and only expected to be filled out once. This excludes forms such as "register client" or "register household".

Sample use cases

  • A counseling session cannot be completed in one sitting, so the counselor would like to save the incomplete session and continue it in the next session
  • A health care worker does not have the answer to a mandatory question (e.g. lab results) and cannot submit the form until it is answered; they also do not want to discard the data they have already entered
  • A patient meets with multiple providers during a clinic visit. They would like the ability for the form to be started by one worker and completed by another worker
  • A health care worker is doing a child visit and the mother goes to get the child's health card to update the immunization history. Meanwhile, the health care worker wants to proceed to measure the child's MUAC (which is collected in a different form)
  • A health care worker is doing a household visit and providing care to multiple household members. They want the ability to start a workflow and switch to another workflow without losing their data
  • A health care worker is required to collect data in both the app and on paper. They start a form in the app, but are under time pressure, so they fill out the paper form and plan to enter the data in the app later

The save draft functionality can be configured using the LAUNCH_QUESTIONNAIRE or the DELETE_DRAFT_QUESTIONNAIRE workflow. The configuration is done on the QuestionnaireConfig. The sample below demonstrates the configs that are required in order to save a form as a draft

"actions": [
"trigger": "ON_CLICK",
"questionnaire": {
"id": "add-family-member",
"title": "Add Family Member",
"resourceIdentifier": "sample-house-id",
"resourceType": "Group",
"saveDraft": true

Config properties

idQuestionnaire Unique ID Stringyes
titleDisplay text shown when the form is loadedno
resourceIdentifierUnique ID String for the subject of the form
resourceTypeThe String representation of the resource type for the subject of the formyes
saveDraftFlag that determines whether the form can be saved as a draftyesfalse

UI/UX workflow for saving a form as draft

When the form is opened, with the configurations in place, the save as draft functionality is triggered when the user clicks on the close button (X) at the top left of the screen. A dialog appears with 3 buttons i.e Save as draft, Discard changes and Cancel.

The table below details what each of the buttons does.

Alert dialog buttons descriptions

Save as draftSaves user input as a draft
Discard changesDismisses user input, and closes the form without saving the draft
CancelDismisses the dialog so that the user can continue interacting with the form

Launching save draft from DELETE_DRAFT_QUESTIONNAIRE workflow

The save draft functionality works the same as described above when launched using the DELETE_DRAFT_QUESTIONNAIRE workflow. The workflow adds another dialog that allows the user to either open or delete the draft. The sample below demonstrates the configs that are required in order to save a form as a draft and also delete the draft.

"actions": [
"trigger": "ON_CLICK",
"questionnaire": {
"id": "add-family-member",
"title": "Add Family Member",
"resourceIdentifier": "sample-house-id",
"resourceType": "Group",
"saveDraft": true

UI/UX workflow for deleting a draft form

When the DELETE_DRAFT_QUESTIONNAIRE workflow is configured, a dialog appears when the call to action is triggered. The dialog has 3 buttons i.e Open draft, Delete draft and Cancel.

The table below details what each of the buttons does.

Open draftOpens the questionnaire pre-filled with the saved draft changes
Delete draftDoes a soft delete of the draft i.e update the status of the QuestionnaireResponse to stopped
CancelDismisses the dialog

Propagating deletes to other devices

Since the devices work offline, there is a chance that a draft that has been deleted on device A could have some local changes on a device B. Due to the way conflict resolution works, at the moment, when device B syncs the changes that indicate the draft has been deleted will not reflect on device B. With this in mind, Event Management is used to update the deleted drafts in the background.

The following is a sample config that would be added to the application_config.json

"eventWorkflows": [
"eventType": "RESOURCE_CLOSURE",
"triggerConditions": [
"eventResources": [
"id": "draftFormToBeClosed",
"resource": "AuditEvent",
"dataQueries": [
"paramName": "type",
"filterCriteria": [
"dataType": "CODE",
"value": {
"system": "",
"code": "delete_draft"
"relatedResources": [
"resource": "QuestionnaireResponse",
"searchParameter": "entity",
"isRevInclude": false
"updateValues": [
"jsonPathExpression": "QuestionnaireResponse.status",
"value": "stopped",
"resourceType": "QuestionnaireResponse"
"resourceFilterExpressions": []

An AuditEvent resource is used to keep track of deleted drafts. It has a reference to the QuestionnaireResponse in the entity field. The event management functionality fetches all the AuditEvents that have the type = delete_draft. Then fetches the related QuestionnaireResponses by doing a forward include search on the QuestionnaireResponse.entity field. The status for the retrieved QuestionnaireResponses is then updated to stopped i.e the draft is soft deleted.