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sealed class ProfileEvent
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data class ProfileUiState(val resourceData: ResourceData? = null, val profileConfiguration: ProfileConfiguration? = null, val snackBarTheme: SnackBarThemeConfig = SnackBarThemeConfig(), val showDataLoadProgressIndicator: Boolean = true, val decodedImageMap: SnapshotStateMap<String, Bitmap> = mutableStateMapOf())
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class ProfileViewModel @Inject constructor(val registerRepository: RegisterRepository, val configurationRegistry: ConfigurationRegistry, val dispatcherProvider: DispatcherProvider, val fhirPathDataExtractor: FhirPathDataExtractor, val resourceDataRulesExecutor: ResourceDataRulesExecutor) : ViewModel


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fun CustomProfileTopAppBar(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, navController: NavController, profileUiState: ProfileUiState, onEvent: (ProfileEvent) -> Unit, lazyListState: LazyListState)
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fun ProfileScreen(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, navController: NavController, profileUiState: ProfileUiState, snackStateFlow: SharedFlow<SnackBarMessageConfig>, decodedImageMap: MutableMap<String, Bitmap> = mutableMapOf(), onEvent: (ProfileEvent) -> Unit)