Package-level declarations


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data class FhirValidatorResultsWrapper(val results: List<ResourceValidationResult> = emptyList())
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data class ResourceValidationResult(val resource: Resource, val validationResult: ValidationResult)


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val QuestionnaireResponse.allItems: List<QuestionnaireResponse.QuestionnaireResponseItemComponent>

Pre-order list of all questionnaire response items in the questionnaire.

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const val DANGER_COLOR: String
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val QuestionnaireResponse.QuestionnaireResponseItemComponent.descendant: List<QuestionnaireResponse.QuestionnaireResponseItemComponent>

Pre-order list of descendants of the questionnaire response item (inclusive of the current item).

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val MeasureReport.StratifierGroupComponent.displayText: String
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const val ERROR_COLOR: String
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This property returns the substring of the filepath after the last period '.' which is the extension

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const val INFO_COLOR: String
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val Questionnaire.QuestionnaireItemComponent.initialExpression: Expression?
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val json: Json
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const val PARTOF: String
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const val REFERENCE: String
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Returns a list of month-year for for all months falling in given measure period Example: Jan-2021 -> Apr-2021 = (Jan-2021), (Feb-2021), (Mar-2021), (Apr-2021)

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const val SDF_MMM_YYYY: String
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const val SDF_MMMM: String
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const val SDF_YYYY: String
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const val SDF_YYYY_MMM: String
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const val SDFHH_MM: String
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const val TRUE: String
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Return an abbreviation for the provided string

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fun Parameters.addResourceParameter(name: String, resource: Resource): Parameters
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fun Resource.appendOrganizationInfo(authenticatedOrganizationIds: List<String>?)
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fun Resource.appendPractitionerInfo(practitionerId: String?)
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fun Resource.appendRelatedEntityLocation(questionnaireResponse: QuestionnaireResponse, questionnaireConfig: QuestionnaireConfig, context: Context)
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This is required to fix keyboard overlapping content in a Composable screen. This functionality is applied after the setContent function of the activity is called.

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Return a pair of application versionCode and versionName e.g. Pair(1, 0.0.1)

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fun QuestionnaireResponse.QuestionnaireResponseItemComponent.asLabel(): String
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fun Resource.asReference(): Reference
fun String.asReference(resourceType: ResourceType): Reference
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fun calculateAge(date: Date, context: Context, localDateNow: LocalDate = String

This function calculates the age from date then translates the abbreviation for the the periods. If year is 0 display the age in years, if year is 0 then display age in month and weeks, if month is 0 display age in weeks and days otherwise if week is 0 display age in days.

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Function that converts snake_case string to camelCase

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fun String.castToType(type: Enumerations.DataType): Type?

Cast string value (including json string) to the FHIR {@link org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Type}

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suspend fun FhirValidator.checkResourceValid(vararg resource: Resource, isDebug: Boolean = BuildConfig.DEBUG): FhirValidatorResultsWrapper
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fun QuestionnaireResponse.clearText()

Clears the item text in the QuestionnaireResponse.

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fun Observation.codingOf(code: String): Coding?
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fun String): Boolean

Compare characters of identical strings

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suspend fun FhirEngine.countUnSyncedResources(): List<Pair<String, Int>>
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fun Questionnaire.cqfLibraryIds(): List<String>
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fun Questionnaire.cqfLibraryUrls(): List<String>
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inline fun <T> String.decodeJson(jsonInstance: Json? = null): T

Decode string to an entity of type T

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fun <T> String.decodeResourceFromString(parser: IParser = fhirR4JsonParser): T
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suspend fun QuestionnaireResponse.deleteRelatedResources(defaultRepository: DefaultRepository)

Delete resources in QuestionnaireResponse.contained from the database

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inline fun <T> T.encodeJson(jsonInstance: Json? = null): String

Encode the type T into a Json string

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fun Resource.encodeResourceToString(parser: IParser = fhirR4JsonParser): String
fun StructureMap.encodeResourceToString(parser: IParser = fhirR4JsonParser): String
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fun expiredConcept(): CodeableConcept
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fun Resource.extractAge(context: Context): String

Extract a Resource's age if birthDate is an available field

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fun Resource.extractBirthDate(): Date?

Extract a Resource's birthDate if it's an available field

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fun Questionnaire.extractByStructureMap(): Boolean
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fun Patient.extractFamilyTag(): Coding?
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fun Resource.extractGender(context: Context): String

Extracts and returns a translated string for the gender in the resource

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fun Reference.extractId(): String
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A function that extracts only the UUID part of a resource logicalId.

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fun Reference.extractType(): ResourceType?
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fun Search.filterBy(dataQuery: DataQuery, configComputedRuleValues: Map<String, Any>)

This extension function is used to configure DataQuery s against the Search DSL. This extension covers all queries for for the supported DataType s. Filters of the same DataType are grouped together in a query and a configured DataQuery.operation is used to determine either to use either 'AND' or 'OR' in the where clause of the Query. Optional configComputedRuleValues is provided to substitute FilterCriterionConfig.computedRule placeholders with actual values.

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fun List<RepositoryResourceData>.filterByFhirPathExpression(fhirPathDataExtractor: FhirPathDataExtractor, conditionalFhirPathExpressions: List<String>?, matchAll: Boolean): List<RepositoryResourceData>

Filter provided Resource's using FhirPath expressions. The extracted FHIRPath value is REQUIRED to be a boolean otherwise the toBoolean function will evaluate to false and hence return an empty list.

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fun Search.filterByResourceTypeId(reference: ReferenceClientParam, resourceType: ResourceType, resourceId: String)
fun Search.filterByResourceTypeId(token: TokenClientParam, resourceType: ResourceType, resourceId: String)
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fun Questionnaire.find(linkId: String): Questionnaire.QuestionnaireItemComponent?
fun QuestionnaireResponse.find(linkId: String): QuestionnaireResponse.QuestionnaireResponseItemComponent?
fun List<QuestionnaireResponse.QuestionnaireResponseItemComponent>.find(linkId: String, default: QuestionnaireResponse.QuestionnaireResponseItemComponent?): QuestionnaireResponse.QuestionnaireResponseItemComponent?
fun Questionnaire.find(fieldType: FieldType, value: String): List<Questionnaire.QuestionnaireItemComponent>
fun List<Questionnaire.QuestionnaireItemComponent>.find(fieldType: FieldType, value: String, target: MutableList<Questionnaire.QuestionnaireItemComponent>)
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fun MeasureReport.MeasureReportGroupComponent.findCount(): MeasureReport.MeasureReportGroupPopulationComponent?
fun MeasureReport.StratifierGroupComponent.findCount(): MeasureReport.StratifierGroupPopulationComponent?
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fun MeasureReport.StratifierGroupComponent.findPercentage(denominator: Int, reportConfiguration: ReportConfiguration?): String
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fun MeasureReport.MeasureReportGroupComponent.findPopulation(id: MeasurePopulationType): MeasureReport.MeasureReportGroupPopulationComponent?
fun MeasureReport.StratifierGroupComponent.findPopulation(id: MeasurePopulationType): MeasureReport.StratifierGroupPopulationComponent?
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fun MeasureReport.MeasureReportGroupComponent.findRatio(): String
fun MeasureReport.StratifierGroupComponent.findRatio(denominator: Int?): String
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fun MeasureReport.MeasureReportGroupComponent.findStratumForMonth(reportingMonth: String): MeasureReport.StratifierGroupComponent?
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fun QuestionnaireResponse.findSubject(bundle: Bundle?): Resource?
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fun DateType.format(): String
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fun Date.formatDate(pattern: String = "dd-MMM-yyyy"): String
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fun Resource.generateMissingId()
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fun List<Questionnaire.QuestionnaireItemComponent>.generateMissingItems(qrItems: MutableList<QuestionnaireResponse.QuestionnaireResponseItemComponent>)
fun QuestionnaireResponse.generateMissingItems(questionnaire: Questionnaire)
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fun FhirContext.getCustomJsonParser(): IParser
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fun View.getDrawable(drawableResourceId: Int): Drawable?
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fun QuestionnaireResponse.getEncounterId(): String?
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fun RequestBody.getPayload(): String
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fun Task.hasPastEnd(): Boolean
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fun Task.hasStarted(): Boolean
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fun View.hide(gone: Boolean = true)
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fun String.interpolate(lookupMap: Map<String, Any>, prefix: String = DEFAULT_PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX, suffix: String = DEFAULT_PLACEHOLDER_SUFFIX): String

Sample template string: { "saveFamilyButtonText" : {{ }} } Sample properties file content: Family

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This function checks if the device is online

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fun Task.isDue(): Boolean
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fun <T : Enum<T>> Enum<T>.isIn(vararg values: Enum<T>): Boolean
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fun MeasureReport.MeasureReportGroupComponent.isMonthlyReport(): Boolean
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fun Task.isOverDue(): Boolean
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fun Task.isPastExpiry(): Boolean
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fun Task.isReady(): Boolean
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fun Task.isUpcoming(): Boolean
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fun isValidResourceType(resourceCode: String): Boolean
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fun String?.join(other: String?, separator: String): String
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inline fun <A : Activity> Activity.launchActivityWithNoBackStackHistory(finishLauncherActivity: Boolean = true, bundle: Bundle = bundleOf())

This function launches another Activity on top of the current. The current Activity is cleared from the back stack for launching the next activity then the current Activity is finished based on finishLauncherActivity condition.

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suspend fun FhirEngine.loadCqlLibraryBundle(fhirOperator: FhirOperator, measurePath: String): Any?
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suspend fun FhirEngine.loadLibraryAtPath(fhirOperator: FhirOperator, path: String)
suspend fun FhirEngine.loadLibraryAtPath(fhirOperator: FhirOperator, relatedArtifact: RelatedArtifact)
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inline suspend fun <T : Resource> FhirEngine.loadResource(resourceId: String): T?
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fun Date?.makeItReadable(pattern: String = "dd-MMM-yyyy"): String
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fun String.messageFormat(locale: Locale?, vararg arguments: Any?): String?

Wrapper method around the Java text formatter

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fun QuestionnaireResponse.packRepeatedGroups()

Borrows from:

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inline fun <T : Parcelable> Intent.parcelable(key: String): T?
inline fun <T : Parcelable> Bundle.parcelable(key: String): T?
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Parse this String to a color code to be used in compose. Color code must either a). begin with pound sign ('#') and should be of 6 valid characters or b). be equal to 'primaryColor', 'primaryVariantColor' or 'errorColor'

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fun String.parseDate(pattern: String): Date?
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fun Date.plusDays(days: Int): Date
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fun Date.plusMonths(months: Int, startOfMonth: Boolean = false): Date
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fun DateType.plusMonthsAsString(months: Int): String
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fun DateType.plusWeeksAsString(weeks: Int): String
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fun Date.plusYears(years: Int): Date
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Get the practitioner endpoint url and append the keycloak-uuid. The original String is assumed to be a keycloak-uuid.

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fun List<Questionnaire.QuestionnaireItemComponent>.prepareQuestionsForEditing(path: String = "QuestionnaireResponse.item", readOnlyLinkIds: List<String>? = emptyList())

Set all questions that are not of type Questionnaire.QuestionnaireItemType.GROUP to readOnly if readOnlyLinkIds item are there while editing the form. This also generates the correct FHIRPath population expression for each question when mapped to the corresponding QuestionnaireResponse

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fun List<Questionnaire.QuestionnaireItemComponent>.prepareQuestionsForReadingOrEditing(path: String = "QuestionnaireResponse.item", readOnly: Boolean = false, readOnlyLinkIds: List<String>? = emptyList())

Set all questions that are not of type Questionnaire.QuestionnaireItemType.GROUP to readOnly if readOnly is true. This also generates the correct FHIRPath population expression for each question when mapped to the corresponding QuestionnaireResponse

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fun List<Questionnaire.QuestionnaireItemComponent>.prePopulateInitialValues(interpolationPrefix: String, prePopulationParams: List<ActionParameter>)

Pre-Populate Questionnaire items with initial values

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suspend fun Questionnaire.prepopulateUniqueIdAssignment(questionnaireConfig: QuestionnaireConfig, questionnaireComputedValues: Map<String, Any>, extractUniqueIdAssignmentFunc: suspend (UniqueIdAssignmentConfig, Map<String, Any>) -> String)

Pre-populates questionnaire with computed QuestionnaireConfig.uniqueIdAssignment.

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suspend fun Questionnaire.prepopulateWithComputedConfigValues(questionnaireConfig: QuestionnaireConfig, actionParameters: List<ActionParameter>?, questionnaireConfigRulesComputeFunc: (List<RuleConfig>) -> Map<String, Any>, extractUniqueIdAssignmentFunc: suspend (UniqueIdAssignmentConfig, Map<String, Any>) -> String): Map<String, Any>

Pre-populates questionnaire with computed values from the Rules engine as well as include initial values set on configured QuestionnaireConfig.barcodeLinkId or QuestionnaireConfig.uniqueIdAssignment properties.

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fun Resource.referenceParamForCondition(): ReferenceClientParam
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fun Resource.referenceParamForObservation(): ReferenceClientParam
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fun Resource.referenceValue(): String
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Remove double white spaces from text and also remove space before comma

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fun String.resourceClassType(): Class<out Resource>
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fun QuestionnaireResponse.retainMetadata(questionnaireResponse: QuestionnaireResponse)
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fun Composition.retrieveCompositionSections(): List<Composition.SectionComponent>

Composition sections can be nested. This function retrieves all the nested composition sections and returns a flattened list of all Composition.SectionComponent for the given Composition resource

fun ImplementationGuide.retrieveImplementationGuideDefinitionResources(): List<ImplementationGuide.ImplementationGuideDefinitionResourceComponent>
inline suspend fun FhirEngine.retrievePreviouslyGeneratedMeasureReports(startDateFormatted: String, endDateFormatted: String, measureUrl: String, subjects: List<String>): List<MeasureReport>
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fun Context.retrieveResourceId(resourceName: String?, resourceType: String = "drawable"): Int?
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fun BigDecimal?.rounding(roundingStrategy: RoundingStrategy, roundingPrecision: Int): String
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suspend fun FhirEngine.searchCompositionByIdentifier(identifier: String): Composition?
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fun <T> List<T>.second(): T

This function returns the second element of the List. It complements the existing kotlin List.first() and List.last() extensions

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inline fun <T : Serializable> Intent.serializable(key: String): T?
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fun Resource.setPropertySafely(name: String, value: Base): Base?
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fun Context.showToast(message: String, toastLength: Int = Toast.LENGTH_LONG)
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fun CodeableConcept.stringValue(): String
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fun Task.TaskStatus.toCoding(): Coding
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fun today(): Date
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fun Enumerations.AdministrativeGender.translateGender(context: Context): String
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Creates identifier from string text by doing clean up on the passed value

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inline fun <T> String.tryDecodeJson(jsonInstance: Json? = null): T?

Decode string to an entity of type T or return null if json is invalid

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Parses a string that represents a duration in ISO-8601 format and returns the parsed Duration value. If parsing fails a default of 1 day duration value is returned

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suspend fun Task.updateDependentTaskDueDate(defaultRepository: DefaultRepository): Task

This suspend function updates the due date of the dependents of the current Task, based on the date of a related Immunization. The function loops through all the tasks that are part-of the current task, loads the dependent tasks and their related immunization resources from the DefaultRepository then updates the start date of the dependent task if it's scheduled to start before the immunization date plus the required number of days.

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fun <T : Resource> T.updateFrom(updatedResource: Resource): T
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fun Resource.updateLastUpdated()
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fun Observation.valueCode(): String?
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fun Base?.valueToString(datePattern: String = "dd-MMM-yyyy"): String
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