
class SyncBroadcaster @Inject constructor(val configurationRegistry: ConfigurationRegistry, val fhirEngine: FhirEngine, val syncListenerManager: SyncListenerManager, val dispatcherProvider: DispatcherProvider, val workManager: WorkManager, val context: Context)

This class is used to trigger one time and periodic syncs. A new instance of this class is created each time because a new instance of ResourceParamsBasedDownloadWorkManager is needed everytime sync is triggered; this class SHOULD NOT be provided as a singleton. The SyncJobStatus events are sent to the registered OnSyncListener maintained by the SyncListenerManager


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constructor(configurationRegistry: ConfigurationRegistry, fhirEngine: FhirEngine, syncListenerManager: SyncListenerManager, dispatcherProvider: DispatcherProvider, workManager: WorkManager, context: Context)


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val fhirEngine: FhirEngine
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suspend fun runOneTimeSync()

Run one time sync. The SyncJobStatus will be broadcast to all the registered OnSyncListener 's

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suspend fun schedulePeriodicSync(interval: Long = 15)

Schedule periodic sync periodically as defined in the application config interval. The SyncJobStatus will be broadcast to all the registered OnSyncListener's