
open class P2PReceiverTransferDao @Inject constructor(val fhirEngine: FhirEngine, val dispatcherProvider: DispatcherProvider, val configurationRegistry: ConfigurationRegistry, val defaultRepository: DefaultRepository) : BaseP2PTransferDao, ReceiverTransferDao


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constructor(fhirEngine: FhirEngine, dispatcherProvider: DispatcherProvider, configurationRegistry: ConfigurationRegistry, defaultRepository: DefaultRepository)


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open val fhirEngine: FhirEngine


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suspend fun countTotalRecordsForSync(highestRecordIdMap: HashMap<String, Long>): RecordCount
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open fun getDataTypes(): TreeSet<DataType>
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open fun getDefaultDataTypes(): TreeSet<DataType>
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open fun getDynamicDataTypes(resourceList: List<String>): TreeSet<DataType>
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open override fun getP2PDataTypes(): TreeSet<DataType>
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fun getSearchObjectForCount(lastRecordUpdatedAt: Long, classType: Class<out Resource>): Search
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suspend fun loadResources(lastRecordUpdatedAt: Long, batchSize: Int, offset: Int, classType: Class<out Resource>): List<SearchResult<Resource>>
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open override fun receiveJson(type: DataType, jsonArray: JSONArray): Long