Package-level declarations
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data class AppDrawerUIState(val isSyncUpload: Boolean? = false, val currentSyncJobStatus: CurrentSyncJobStatus? = null, val percentageProgress: Int? = 0)
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data class MeasureReportSubjectViewData(val type: ResourceType, val logicalId: String, val display: String, val family: String? = null)
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data class QuestionnaireSubmission(val questionnaireConfig: QuestionnaireConfig, val questionnaireResponse: QuestionnaireResponse, val extractedResourceIds: List<IdType> = emptyList())
This data class represents the result of a Questionnaire submission. (Optionally, extractedResourceIds can be used to reference the extracted Bundle.entry resources.
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Wrapper class to hold search input String and the SearchMode mode used to initiate the UI search