Package-level declarations


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data class MeasureReportConfiguration(var appId: String, var configType: String =, val id: String, val registerId: String, val startPeriod: String? = DEFAULT_START_PERIOD, val showFixedRangeSelection: Boolean? = null, val showSubjectSelection: Boolean? = null, val scheduledGenerationDuration: String? = null, val reports: List<ReportConfiguration> = emptyList()) : Configuration
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data class ReportConfiguration(val id: String = "", val title: String = "", val description: String = "", val url: String = "", val module: String = "", val subjectXFhirQuery: String? = null, val roundingStrategy: RoundingStrategy? = DEFAULT_ROUNDING_STRATEGY, val roundingPrecision: Int? = DEFAULT_ROUNDING_PRECISION)


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The list of months will show as far back as this date. This cannot be null. Consider setting through configuration if this must be varied.